Chapter 07
Into the world of work spins Mother

Dressed in a bright white nurse's uniform with her little cap and spotless shoes that were religiously coated every evening at dusk with Sani-White shoe polish, she hastened toward the train.

How easy it would have been for her to take the car and park it near the station, but Mother would hear none of that, for she was carefully monitoring her weight and much in need of the exercise. A brief appearance at the In & Out Shop for a coffee and the morning paper was always in order for the day. Then it was down the old concrete staircase. Once there, she would stand behind the yellow line on the stations platform with other passengers of the day, silently congregating.
Gazing at her old Movado wristwatch, the time read 6:40.
Two & a Half - Suburban early morning station
She would have dipped into her purse for a cigarette had she not quit three years ago. Ah, yes, those Benson & Hedges I remember so well. What a terrible fixation it was, and that damn smoke was everywhere. Puffing away like a fiend at the drop of a hat for no reason but to fulfill an addiction. Every time she reached for a cigarette, I would cringe. Whenever she lit one up, I would feel the onset of nausea.

If it was cold out, light a cigarette. If she ate too much, she'd light a cigarette. If an electrical fire had started in the basement, I'm pretty sure; that before she began looking for ways of exiting the bedroom, she would be clutching a pack of those minty-smelling, cancer-causing little marvels.

When I was growing up, she had a systematic way of doing things. There was seldom any change to the usual method of these habits, and so, I came to the conclusion that they were devised to torture me. On several occasions, a feeling of seasickness overtook me, and I had no other choice than to throw up in the car. That was because whenever my mother lit a cigarette, the windows would either be shut tight or rolled down only about an inch. Must've been some kind of groovy fad they had going on back then in the early seventies because everyone was doing it. If I'm not mistaken, the name of the game was called, “kill the person you're with.”
Steve Purdy and The Studs - The Weed
Often, I would try to imagine what Mother would look like in forty years if she continued down the path she was headed. And in the back of my mind, the image was always the same.

Around the bend, she could hear the train approaching.

As it slowed to a screeching halt where other commuters of the morning stood, the doors slid open. Mother wasted no time finding a place to sit.

One by one, they got on, and everyone found their respective seats. How unlucky were the people at the New Dorp station who seldom ever got a seat. There, some chose to wait for the express train. “Please step away from the closing doors,” said the conductor in a refreshing voice that was interpreted by the intercom as “pzistst sheb avray rhum tde crosching draws.”
Then the bell sounded, and the doors slid closed.
Only then did the train slowly begin to pull away from the station. As each stop welcomed more passengers who boarded, some wandered on as if in a robotic trance, while others accepted their chore of duty with affluent grace. There were even a few straphangers who appeared so miserable that Mother thought they might be happier standing in front of the train than on it. Overall, the ride usually took about fifteen minutes. But today, it would be about twenty.
Before long, Mother would be arriving at her destination.

Getting off in Clifton, Mother walks casually across the street to the Navajo brown building located on a neighboring hillside. It is called, the United States Public Health Service Hospital, which requires eleven stops on the Staten Island Rapid Transit line.
While the outmoded structure would appear somewhat haunting at night to a passerby, its commodious interior was still bustling with activity.
Pg 33 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Who had to get what done first and what needed to be done next had not stopped at all this century. Time moves on in its usual fashion, as always. But when you are sitting in that office, it feels like the old electric wall clock is still calibrated to 1942. There is nothing in that entire room that has been made after 1940, including Mother. Most of the time, she's there a half-hour early to read the morning paper or to chat with her colleagues before beginning her tasks. Today, she's right on time.
In her office, you will find a big industrial fan situated in the corner to get her through a scorching hot summer and two big cast iron radiators to keep her comfortable as the snow falls and the wind chill drops below zero. The windows in that building are enormous and still bear sash weights concealed within the confines of a sliding sash; windows you can open and close with two fingers instead of two arms, and frames constructed of wood.
Whenever I'm there, my mind fills with images of World War II and big Sherman tanks. I can imagine those warplanes flying overhead with loud propellers, and when you turn to look out the window, you almost expect to see them coming.

Mother thinks nothing of it, though. She says, “when you've been here as long as I have, you become acclimated.” She also tells me one day, she hopes to have a modern office as the room is too dreary, like it's always raining outside. I have always found that to be rather pleasant, if not exhilarating.
Occasionally, I would go there to visit my mom. Upon doing so, I took my time strolling down those long, impressive hallways. As I gazed about, ever observing my environment, I would find nothing had really changed since the McKinley administration. The hospital's exterior, though somewhat bleak, reflects its enduring functionality.
The way the floral arrangement is presented on the bright green lawn, which is cordoned off by the dark wrought iron gate, and the way it is kept perfectly mowed for spectators to see is an advantage. It infers you are entering a clean establishment, and that is very important but not necessarily true. The archaic gate, not only surrounds the lawn but also encompasses the entire hospital. Every ten years or so, the maintenance crew was paid to paint it black.
You cannot enter without first seeing the guard alongside the building in his little security booth. You either show him your card, or he phones in an extension of the person you are coming to see, thus confirming your appointment by arrival.
Pg 34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What I found to be the most interesting about this hospital was the basement.
Walking down those long inviting corridors, one can literally see the changing of time. Recent attempts at renovation have left the walls in a state of eerie disrepair, with patches of fresh paint juxtaposed against peeling layers of lead-based toxins. The asbestos wrap coming free from the pipes and the discoloration of the exposed material are quite formidable, to put it mildly.

Walking down the narrow winding hallway, with its antique lighting and its sinister appeal, you can almost feel a haunting stare behind you, like an asylum for the criminally insane turned hospital for America's war veterans. As we continue, you will see a scabrous trail of paint that has fallen to the floor like contaminated snowflakes. Along the walls of the high ceiling and down, one can see the old lead paint curling up like innocuous leaves growing.
Walking down those long inviting corridors, one can literally see the changing of time, revealing the hospital's evolution through exposed pipes and peeling paint, each layer whispering tales of bygone eras.
I can recall stepping on one of the olive-green shards back in 1969 when I was admitted for scarlet fever. It made a distinct crunching sound, almost like I had stepped on a small fragment of a light bulb. Gazing down at those perilous slivers of splintered paint beneath my feet, I could not shake the feeling that I had been taken there to die. Needless to say, everyone was friendly to me because my mother was an integral part of their organization. Being a good nurse does require a fair amount of camaraderie, and that was comforting.
Even so, I could not visualize ever returning to a normal state again due to the disorientating effect of the bacterial infection. Aside from a persistent fever that would not break, I had a horrible sensation of a nightmarish post-nasal drip. A thick mucus coating that had adhered to the back of my throat like Elmer's glue left me swallowing endlessly, yet to no avail. So numb and raw was this area that a simple swallow resulted in great torment. Like sharp metal objects in a region of Novocain or swallowing over a thousand impressed thorns, it simply did not wish to end. Though I languished in misery, waiting for the end to come.

I ponder through a looking glass The mirror of the mind To see what lies in wait Time has me confined
Crystal Sect - Days & weeks
To imagine the world put into perspective from a distant time, one which precedes our own, can be quite alluring to the stimulus of the senses when the rationalization of coming forth in an apathetic society proves to be disheartening. Yes, we have more than we had before, this goes for any age, but we lose a little bit of ourselves each time we turn over our values for technological advancements.

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Do yourself a favor; if you are from out of town and decide to visit the wonderful city of New York, make sure in your travels that you remember to include McSorley's Old Ale House. Just tell the cabbie to take you to the little saloon on 15 East 7th Street.
Trust me, you will not regret it.

Unless you are a recovering alcoholic, then I would strongly advise against it!
Indeed, the world is constantly changing with each passing decade until the world we know and love is no longer the world we long to embrace. So, through God’s enduring mercy, we are taken away. Transformed into spiritual beings soaring through heavenly clouds in an ethereal bliss.
In spite of all our beliefs, we weep for our dearly departed because they are no longer among us. It is our countdown into obscurity, the beginning of our trials here on earth.
There was a saying painted on the window of McSorley’s. It read as follows, “Good ale, raw onions, and no ladies.” The saying was abolished in 1970 thanks to the women’s liberation movement. It was the last bar in New York City to keep women from entering its doors. Painted on the window's weathered glass, the words whisper a timeless sentiment: “We were here before you were born.” Today in the year 1982, the words above read, “This is our 128th year, and ale is well. The pub opened in 1854, and each year the number climbs higher.”
But will I live to see its 200th? Perhaps that is the year of my demise.
During the daytime hours, when it's quiet, you can look around and take your share of pictures. If you're not a picture buff and you enjoy being in crowded places, then I suggest you go there at night. Better yet, go there on a Friday or Saturday night. If you are an introvert, then doing this will be like committing social suicide.

On weekends, there will be a gentleman standing beside the door. This man will only let people in as people exit because the little pub tends to get too crowded, and regardless of what time it is or how many people are inside, last call is 1 AM, like it or not.
It's a nice feeling to be in an environment where you are surrounded by the past, a place where you can light a cigar, and no one gripes about the smell, where you can drift in and out of pleasant conversation, and no one really seems to mind. Aside from that, McSorley's may be the only bar in all of Manhattan that has yet to install a television set.

On a busy night, it can take a while just to reach the bathroom, and believe me when I tell you, it hasn't changed much. Despite their antiquated appearance, the urinals retain an intriguing feature—a glazed crackle pattern reminiscent of centuries-old bone china. It's funny how the passing of time can bring out such an interesting phenomenon and allow it to remain completely intact and undamaged. Indeed, they are original and date back to 1911, for what it's worth.
I only hope the ale house is still serving patrons long after I'm gone.

There is a saying inscribed on a wooden plaque that hangs within the walls of the pub. It reads, “Be Good or Be Gone.” It must have been referring to those ruffians of yesteryear who lived as people once lived in the Wild West.

Those delinquents with no manners, morals, or proper upbringing. The bullies who lived on the streets smoked, drank, and committed thievery before they even turned twelve. Like demons in a godless world who never saw the inside of a classroom, they would taunt, tease, and provoke until a fight ensued. And as they grew older, they would still behave as though they were in sixth grade, making damn sure they found a reason to kick somebody's ass before the day was through.
I am happy to know the only things they are pushing nowadays are flowers in an old defunct graveyard.
Chances are you will not see any troublemakers in McSorley's. That is because people of today have earned an endearing respect for our nation's history and the struggles of early American life, unlike the hooligans of age's past.
The Bleach Boys - Wine, Wine, Wine

Close your eyes; you've walked into another time. . .
A time when sawdust is still sprinkled on wood floors, and the tables and chairs that were once used for writers and poets to compose their works, are still there today.
As you sip your light or dark beer, pause to reflect in silence on the years gone by while observing the museum-like atmosphere captured in time by pictures and paintings that adorn its walls.
Amidst the relics of ages past, from Houdini's handcuffs to the fading wanted poster of Lincoln's assassin, McSorley's becomes a living testament to the tapestry of American history, where each artifact reveals a story of triumph and tragedy.
Don't be surprised when you come to realize that the vintage gold cash register adorning the bar is no longer in use either.
Look around. . . Watch as the cats stroll in and out.
See the cobwebs sagging down from wishbones left behind by young men of the Civil war who had not returned home to claim them. They are, in fact, still fighting.
If you should go there in winter, gaze at the pot belly stove in the middle of the room and see how effective it is in keeping the whole establishment warm.
Get a feel of how life used to be and be thankful for all you have now.
Look out in the twilight hours of the day, and if you are lucky, you may see snow coming down on the old cobblestone street.
Watch as it falls right outside the window where seldom a car will pass.
People walk by but not that many, and it isn't long before inebriation unfurls a sad truth. . .
They've left the horse and wagon behind.

The Cuppa T - Brand New World
Pg 36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reviews for chapter 7
This review was posted on Apr/4/22
Ella's, Jacob & Sarah's review
We absolutely loved this chapter. We think it was a much better read than the previous one.
We liked the different use of narration, which directly addressed the reader, then using “I” and then writing as “Mother”, in the third person. This is so unique, and it creates a sense of intimacy, as if a story is unfolding, slowly, and cinematically.
We really enjoyed the beginning of the chapter that told the story of “mother” and then the chapter became more self-reflective, introspective, and like the rest of the chapters in the novel thus far.
Although the scenes with Mother were so detailed and cinematically told, we do feel like it could have been a little bit more interesting, we do not know why, but it kind of gave us a horror/eerie type of feel, and it would be very interesting if you explored that.
Once again, your lines of poetry in the middle of prose had us hooked. It was mesmerizing to read, and it was fantastic to see that you still continue using it in the rest of the chapters.
This chapter can be read completely as a “horror” chapter. It has an eerie mood just like an Edgar Poe poem. Really well done!
Our favourite quote is:
Look out in the twilight hours of the day and if you are lucky, you may see snow coming down on the old cobblestone street. Watch as it falls right outside the window where seldom a car will pass.

This review was posted on May/2/22
Lameez' review
Beta-Read Report for 'The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe - Chapter 7'
Beta Reader: Lameez Rushin (Lameezisreal)
Overall Impression
This chapter was informative and thought-provoking. It danced between what was and what is while focusing on key points such as the nurses and their importance, as well as aging while finding one space that hasn’t aged a day.
Chapter Notes
Highlighting the importance of nurses was handled tactfully without overstating anything or dramatizing it. The pub was perfectly described, it felt as though I had walked into it when the MC did.
Character Notes
The Main Character (MC) seems ageless, moving between two different time periods. And the shifting between the two is seamless and well-written. The language is spot on and easy to read, to understand as well.
Thoughts After Finishing The Chapter
The homage paid to nurses was perfectly executed. Nurses are so frequently overlooked and severely underappreciated. This was such a surreal and honest view of what nurses go through and just how much they contribute to the medical world.
The chapter then dives into the progression of the mindset of people, from sidelining women to the inclusion of them. The progression was smooth and accurate. And though we’ve moved through time, the idea that there’s a pub still decades behind the rest of the world is a nod to traditions. Again, progress is good but old traditions aren’t all bad.
It’s the nostalgia that tends to keep the old traditions alive. Thank you so much and I’m excited to see your next chapter!
This review was posted on May/11/22
nehanegi1905 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins mother
Reader's Report by nehanegi1905
Hey Chas! What can I say?
Every time I read a chapter from your book, it feels like I’m getting more immersed in that world.
It was so refreshing to learn about her mother and her workplace.
This chapter took me on a little journey of the boy’s relationship with his mother with things coming from the past.
I really like your style of describing places and you did a great job with McSorley as well. I could perfectly imagine the aura of that place just from your words and I think it will really click with the reader as well.
I’m really excited to see what will the next chapter unravel. Thank you

This review was posted on Jun/4/22
sianiesl's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Siani
Hi, thank you for sending me another chapter to read, it was deliciously detailed and carefully written.
Readability of Chapter 7. In other words, how quickly did I read the chapter, how much did I enjoy it, and where did it drag?
The 9 pages of chapter 7 flew by, more so now that the chapter, along with more recent chapters seem to be more concentrated and refined to one of two subjects. There was no dragging or inconsistent pacing, the paragraphs merged effortlessly, and I had finished the chapter before I knew it.
Reader’s opinion. As a reader, what did I think of your plot, your characters, and your writing style?
I feel at this point in the novel this chapter was a much needed respite from the dreams and imaginations from our character. It gave a good sense of reality and reminded me as a reader that there is more to this person than the other worlds they visit. They have a childhood and history, relationships and connections. They have love and hate, and in this chapter they share a memory with us the reader, which adds some vulnerability to them. The writing style is very consistent which is great and helps the reader keep focus when a lot of information and description has been provided.
Positives and negatives. What about your chapter did I love or hate?
Positives; the writing style and content is always flawless, your poetic and dreamy language and layout keeps me in a mini trance which I am engulfed in the world and environment in which you place me. The precise and careful detail in which Mother was described in the first half of the chapter was awe-inspiring.
I enjoyed being taken on her daily commute, grabbing a coffee and paper on her way to the station, and people watching through Mother's eyes. The variety of life and personalities in the same place. The hospital was represented in the chapter very intricately, I could see the pipers on the walls, the echoes of the hallways, from the lights to the exterior brickwork, all the detail I could want was fed to me.
Similarly with McSorley's Old Ale House, I was transported back in time, probably to somewhere I shouldn't be as a women. I could smell the old dusty wooden floors, and hear the tables of young men croaking and squawking as the down their pints, others sat more subtly in the corns, trying to gain inspiration to write or create. McSorley's was a place full of character, it didn't, and still doesn't conform to modern society. It is for men who are still 'men', and refuse to see the world in any other way other than how they saw it when they were kids, and how their fathers and grandfathers taught them about the world.
Negatives; Although I love both segments of this chapter, I had trouble seeing the correlation between the two. I had a little difficulty transitioning fully from Mother to McSorley's, and how it made the chapter feel. There wasn't a strong enough link or relationship between the two subjects to warrant a new chapter subject for me personally. I also have a little bit of concern regarding how this chapter flows from chapter 6. Although I appreciate your comments regarding chapter 6 being more of a stand alone chapter, and there was a couple of lines at the end of chapter 6 referring and linking to Mother, I wasn't sure if it was enough for a truly effortless connection. It wasn't a rocky transition by any means, but it just caught my attention.
One part of the chapter I did have to question was this quote - There were even a few straphangers who appeared so miserable that Mother thought they might be happier standing in front of the train, than on it. Although I love it, it made me wonder how our character knew this thought from Mother, had she expressed it to them before maybe?
I think an additional 'mother once told me....' would have tied those few lines together a little more.
Subsequent discussion of your manuscript.
Overall this was a beautiful chapter as always. I did notice a missing a quotation mark for the writing above the window of McSorley's on page 6. There is no ending to the quote. I'll highlight and send back to you for you to look at.
All the best,
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on Jun/18/22
kanchanninawe's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by kanchan

This review was posted on Jun/18/22
krithika2001 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Krithika Ravi

This review was posted on July/5/22
aneelaiftikhar1's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Aneela


This review was posted on July/7/22
iqrabashir871 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Iqra
FIRST IMPRESSION - What was your overall take on the chapter after reading it?
It appeared more like a descriptive or narrative way of story to me. Indeed, the actual focus was ‘imagination’. I have always adored the writing style but in this chapter he should have less focus on hospital’s building and more on actual story.
CHAPTER OPENING - Do you like the wording used? Do you believe it is uniquely different from everything else out there?
Yes, the writing style is pretty unique. I haven’t seen such thing in my whole life. Apart from uniqueness, it has the ability of grasping anybody in the story. It can make you curious for the next chapter.
CHARACTER ANALYSIS - Did you find the character(s) too imaginative, or descriptive? Are they exciting or boring in this chapter?
Overall analysis of chapter- Unlike previous chapter, it was a combination of both. Sometimes, it felt like imaginative while the hospital part looked like more descriptive. Character Analysis- The roles of characters were written perfectly. The words were showcasing emotional states clearly. I can picture them easily.
PACE AND FLOW - Was it too fast/slow? Does it move smoothly, or is it rough and choppy? Did you feel lost at all?
It moved smoothly. However, in the middle I felt it going a bit choppy. Some of the sentences were not complete or hard to understand. It made me lost when I was reading about the mother character. The writing style was attractive enough to make me imagine the characters. I like the way how he described every little thing about the building. Yet, it became so long.
LANGUAGE - Do you like the way the writer uses words? Do you feel that he knows what he is doing? Do you think those obscure words help or hurt the story? Do you believe that readers can learn something from this chapter?
Yes, the writing style is incredible. I haven’t seen anything like that before. As far as the second question, it feels like he was lost too while writing. The obscure words can leave several questions for the readers. They can’t hurt story unless they are in balance position. Yes, I have learned a lot of stuff from the following chapter.
SENSITIVITY - Is there anything that offended you in any way? No, there isn’t such thing.
DIALOGUE WRITING - Do you enjoy the narration of the author? Was the message delivered in a clear and thoughtful manner?
Yes, I enjoyed the narration. The dialogue delivery was perfect enough to make a flow. He has tried to deliver the message in a thoughtful manner way but he went a little bit deeper. It felt like something missing or complex to understand while reading about the imaginary thoughts.
PLOT/CONSISTENCY - Was the plot on point? Do you like where it is going?
Yes, it was on point. Everything was pretty clear. What I love the most about his writing style is its uniqueness. I like it where it was going.
SETTING/DESCRIPTION - Is it fine the way the author described his surroundings? Should more or less attention be paid to detail?
In my opinion, he went a little bit far while describing the surroundings. He should have paid less attention to describing the surrounding rather than actual story.
GRAMMAR/SYNTAX - Does the wording confuse you? Does the writing excite you, even though it doesn't entirely make sense at times?
No, it doesn’t confuse me at all. The writing style is engaging enough to make read further. Sometimes, he goes too deeper and things become hard to understand. However, it doesn’t affect the curious part. It gets exciting as you move along the story.
FAVORITE QUOTES/PASSAGES - Did anything the writer convey stand out? Were there any sentences/phrases that impressed or delighted you?
?There were a lot of moments when he clearly won my heart. Here are some. I like the beginning. Besides that, I like it when the chapter engages a twist by entering into a new time. Apart from that, I also like these lines.
I ponder through a looking glass The mirror of the mind To see what lies in wait Time has me confined
OVERALL THOUGHTS/ENDING - How do you feel on an emotional level? Did reading this chapter make you want to turn the page or close it? On emotional level, I felt it close to my heart in the beginning. I like the way how he portrayed the mother’s character. The writing style grabs my attention instantly. Undeniably, it makes you to turn another page or read it in one sitting.
This review was posted on July/24/22
Tayyaba17's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Tayyaba

This review was posted on July/28/22
Alysorrow's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Aly Sorrow
 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This review was posted on Aug/4/22
alits29's review

 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This review was posted on July/21/22
(Sent ch 8 before 6 & 7)
Hajranoor786's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Hajra Noor

This review was posted on Aug/16/22
sidrahumar120's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 7 - Into the world of work spins Mother
Reader's Report by Sidrah

This review was posted on Jan/30/23
This review was posted on Feb/4/23
Reviewed by yashodha_95

This review was posted on Feb/23/23 Reviewed by andreamircheska

This review was posted on Mar/5/23 Reviewed by gwheeler2019

This review was posted on Mar/24/23 Reviewed by suma303755

This review was posted on Apr/7/23 Reviewed by aamnaaaa
This review was posted on Apr/18/23 Reviewed by sarah1409
This review was posted on Apr/20/23 Reviewed by qeilisha

This review was posted on Apr/28/23 Reviewed by hinaspatel
This review was posted on Apr/28/23 Reviewed by pazkou
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This review was posted on May/8/23 Reviewed by tawhida560

This review was posted on May/13/23 Reviewed by labia_1903
This review was posted on May/18/23 Reviewed by afrinjahan11
This review was posted on May/21/23 Reviewed by nusratjahan603

This review was posted on Jun/23/23 Reviewed by rupalrao RR

Saleha Zainab - June 29 - Chapter 7
The chapter depicts a character's journey to a hospital and reminiscing about their mother's habits and experiences. Here are few key points of the chapter:
- Setting and Atmosphere:
The chapter establishes a specific setting, with the protagonist's mother dressed as a nurse and heading towards a train station. The description of her uniform, the train, and the hospital contributes to creating a vivid atmosphere. The use of specific details, such as the concrete staircase, the yellow line on the platform, and the train doors sliding open, helps immerse the reader in the scene.
- Characterization:
The protagonist's mother is portrayed as a disciplined and health-conscious individual who values exercise and has quit smoking. The narrative delves into the past, reflecting on the mother's smoking habits and the impact they had on the protagonist. The mother's systematic approach to her habits is described, suggesting a rigid personality. This characterization helps establish a sense of tension or conflict between the protagonist and their mother.
- Reflection and Imagery:
The narrative includes introspective moments where the protagonist contemplates their mother's future and reflects on their own experiences. The vivid imagery and metaphors, such as the "groovy fad" of smoking, the sensation of seasickness, and the association of the hospital with World War II, evoke strong emotions and add depth to the storytelling.
- Descriptive Language:
The author employs descriptive language throughout the chapter to paint a detailed picture of the surroundings, from the appearance of the nurse's uniform to the aging features of the hospital building. The use of sensory details, such as the smell of cigarette smoke and the sound of a crunching paint shard, enhances the reader's engagement with the narrative.
- Themes:
Several themes can be inferred from this chapter, including the passage of time, the impact of habits and addictions, the tension between generations, and the contrast between tradition and modernity. The chapter hints at the changing societal values brought about by technological advancements, suggesting a loss of personal values and identity.
Mainly this chapter effectively sets the stage for the story by establishing the protagonist's mother as a significant character and introducing key themes. The use of descriptive language and imagery helps create a vivid and engaging narrative.
The second excerpt appears to be a continuation of the narrative, focusing on McSorley's Old Ale House in New York City.
Setting and Atmosphere:
The second excerpt introduces McSorley's Old Ale House as a historical and unique establishment in New York City. It highlights the atmosphere of the place, describing its old-world charm, lack of modern amenities like televisions, and the presence of historical artifacts and decorations. The imagery of sawdust on wood floors, vintage cash registers, and the pot belly stove adds to the nostalgic ambiance.
Historical Significance:
The narrative emphasizes the historical significance of McSorley's Old Ale House, connecting it to notable events and figures. References to the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln, and John Wilkes Booth create a sense of historical immersion. The inclusion of artifacts like Houdini's handcuffs and the deteriorating wanted poster adds to the historical intrigue.
Theme of Change:
Similar to the previous excerpt, the theme of change and the passage of time emerges in this section. The mention of the saying painted on the window and its subsequent alteration reflects societal shifts, particularly regarding women's rights. The excerpt also explores the contrast between past and present, emphasizing the preservation of tradition within McSorley's Old Ale House.
Imagery and Reflection:
The author employs vivid imagery and reflective passages to transport the reader to McSorley's Old Ale House. The description of the environment, the presence of cats, cobwebs, and wishbones creates a sense of nostalgia and the passage of time. The reflection on the importance of appreciating the past and being thankful for the present adds depth to the narrative.

This review was posted on Aug/1/23 (Evening) Reviewed by ramshabaloch101
This review was posted on Aug/7/23 Reviewed by sampriktaada813
This review was posted on Oct/10/23 Reviewed by ritikagoyal587

This review was posted on Dec/31/23 Reviewed by namra NR

This review was posted on Jan/7/24 Reviewed by mariya

Mariya's sister provides her thoughts and ideas as well
The chapter presented a very interesting insight into the life of the protagonist. Diving into his life, especially the life of his mother reveals an ironic reality of how he has every element of his mother's personality that he used to detest.
As a reader, I am intrigued by what turn of events brought him to the point that a life covered in delusional smoke is better than reality for him. The protagonist's mother and his attachment towards her despite the flaws he sees in her make the readers empathize with the character. Amidst her chaotic personality, she forms a huge part of his life and has carved many imprints into his present. It's intriguing why he now lives a desolate life.
The imagery of the hospital is very comical and presents this stark contrast of being a place of healing people and yet it is a horrid almost dingy place like a cell.
Rating 4/5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This review was posted on Jan/15/24 Reviewed by adeeba

 Rating 4/5
This review was posted on Jan/27/24 Reviewed by craftopia

This review was posted on Jan/30/24 Reviewed by aimanmengal3
This review was posted on Feb/1/24 Reviewed by sababaloch292
SB Into The World of Work Spins Mother

This review was posted on Mar/22/24 Reviewed by jayamalir234

This review was posted on May/15/24 Reviewed by poesiha
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This review was posted on Jun/16/24 Reviewed by preety_mandal

This review was posted on Aug/31/24 Reviewed by swatigarg249

This review was posted on Sep/2/24 Reviewed by kalpana_patel
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