Charles Pendelton
      © 2008 Marty Langdon
Embryo Man Dict (A-K)

    The Embryo Man Dictionary (A-K)

Abaddon - a place of destruction; the depths of Hell
Abacinate - to blind, by placing red-hot pokers before the eyes
Abase - to lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade
Abderian - inclined to foolish or incessant merriment
Abdomen - the belly
Abduct - to carry away a person against his will, or illegally
Aberrant - deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type
Aberration -
deviation from what is normal, expected, or usual
Abhorrent - detestable; loathsome
Abiding - continuing without change; enduring
Abject - contemptible; despicable
Ablaze - burning; on fire
Abode - a place in which a person resides; residence
Abolish - put an end to
Abominable - very unpleasant; disagreeable
Abomination - a person or thing that is disgusting
Abound - to occur or exist in great quantities
Abrade - to wear away the surface or some part of by friction
Abrupt - sudden or unexpected
Abscess - a localized collection of pus in a part of the body
Abscond - to depart in a sudden and secret manner
Absence - state of being away or not being present
Absolve - acquit; to pronounce free from guilt or blame
Absorb - to drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water
Abstract - existing only in the mind
Absurd - inconsistent with reason or common sense
Abundant - plentiful
Abyss - bottomless gulf
A cappella  - without instrumental accompaniment
Academic - of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university
Accentuate - to give emphasis or prominence to
Acclaim - to praise enthusiastically and often publicly
Acclimate - to become accustomed to a new climate or environment
Accolade - ceremonial bestowal of knighthood
Accordion - a portable free-reed musical instrument
Accost - to confront boldly
Accoutrements - additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity
Accumulate - collect or gather
Accursed - doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune
Accustom - to make familiar by use
Acerbate - to be bitter or resentful; vexed or annoyed
Acerbic -  harsh or severe, as of temper or expression
Achromatic - colorless
Acoustic - of, pertaining to, or being a musical instrument whose sound is not electrically enhanced or modified
Acquaintance - a person known to one, but usually not a close friend
Acquiesce - to consent or comply passively
Acquire - to come into possession or ownership of
Acrid -
harshly pungent or bitter
Acrimony - sharpness or bitterness of temper, manner, or speech
Acronym - a pronounceable name made up of a series of initial letters or parts of words
Acrylic - a glassy thermoplastic; can be cast and molded
Actuality - actual existence; reality
Actuate - to move or incite to action
Acumen - keen insight; shrewdness
Acute - sharp or severe in effect; intense
Adamant - determined or insistent
Adhere - to stay attached; cleave
Adjacent - that which is near or bordering upon
Adjoin - to be next to or joined to
Administer - to apply as a remedy
Admire - to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval
Admonish - to express warning or disapproval in a gentle or earnest way
Adorate - in contemplation,
to adore
Adoration - profound devotion
Adorn - 1 to decorate or add beauty to.
Adorn - 2 to make more pleasing, attractive.
Adulation - excessively admiring behavior
Adumbration - to darken; overshadow
Advantageous - affording advantage; beneficial
Adversary - opponent; enemy; foe
Advocate - one who pleads the cause of another
Adytum - (in ancient worship)
a sacred place that the public was forbidden to enter; an inner shrine
Aeneous - bronze-colored
Aerial - of, pertaining to, or like the air
Aeroplane - variant of airplane
Aesthetic - sensitive to art and beauty
Affect - produce an effect or change in
Affinity - connection; close relationship
Affliction - a state of pain, distress, or grief; misery
Affluent - plentiful; abundant
Aforementioned - cited or mentioned earlier or previously
Agenda - something to be done
Agglomeration - a jumbled collection or mass
Aggrandize - to make greater in power; to influence
Aggravate - to make worse or more severe; intensify
Aggregate - the entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something
Aggressive - vigorously energetic
Aghast - struck with terror and amazement
Agitate - to disturb or excite emotionally; arouse; perturb
Agleam - gleaming; bright; radiant
Ail - to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to
Air - peculiar look or appearance
Airspace - the region of the atmosphere above a municipality, state, or nation, over which it has jurisdiction
Alabaster -
resembling alabaster; smooth and white
Alacrity - cheerful promptness; eagerness
Albugineous - the nature of or resembling the white of an eye or an egg
Alcove - a covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room
Algae - Any of various organisms that grow mostly in water
Algorithm - a set of rules that instruct how a group of calculations are to be performed.
Alias - a false name
Allegation - an assertion made with little or no proof
Alleviate - lessen something
Allot - allow to have; grant a privilege
Alloy -
a less costly metal mixed with a more valuable one
Allure - to attract or tempt
Aloof - at a distance in feeling or interest; apart
Altercation - an angry or heated argument
Altruistic - unselfish; putting other people's needs first
Alzheimer's - a disorder of the brain resulting in a progressive decline in intellectual and physical abilities and eventual dementia
Amalgamation - the mixing or blending of different elements
Amaranthine - a purplish-red color (or) unfading; everlasting
Amass - to come together; assemble
Amatory - designed to excite love
Ambiance - the atmosphere of an environment
Ambiguity - doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning
Ambiguous - of doubtful or uncertain nature
Amble - to go at a slow, easy pace; stroll
Ambrosial - divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious
Ameliorate - to make or become better
Amiable - gracious; agreeable
Amniotic - the liquid within the uterus in which the fetus lives until birth
Amorous - expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
Amorphous - without determinate shape
Amphitheater - an oval or round building with tiers of seats around a central open area, as those used in ancient Rome for gladiatorial contests
Amulet - an object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury
Amuse - to hold the attention of (someone) pleasantly
Analgesic - a drug used to eliminate pain; a painkiller
Analysis - this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations
Analytical - of or relating to analysis or analytics
Anaphylaxis - a sudden, severe allergic reaction
Anatomical - related to the structure of an organism
Andalusia - a region of southern Spain on the Mediterranean Sea
Andiron - one of a pair of metal stands for holding logs in a fireplace
Anecdote - a short, entertaining account of some
interesting event
Anesthetic - causing physical insensibility
Angst - a feeling of dread, anxiety, or anguish
Animate - to give life to; make alive
Animosity - hatred
Annals - a record of events
Annealing oven - the process of gradual cooling molten glass
Anomalous - deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule
Anorexia - anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by fear of becoming fat and refusal of food, leading to debility and even death
Antediluvian - old-fashioned; antiquated
Ante Humeral - along the dorsal surface of the thorax
Anticipate - to be before (another) in doing, thinking, achieving
Antidote - a remedy to counteract a poison
Antiquate - to make old or out of date
Anxious - full of mental distress or uneasiness
Apathetic - feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern
Aperture - a man-made opening; usually small
Aphotic - lacking light; especially not reached by sunlight
Apocalypse - great or total devastation; doom
Apothecary - a druggist; pharmacist, pill pusher, etc
Appalling - causing extreme dismay, horror, or revulsion
Apparel - clothing, esp. outerwear; garments
Apparent - obvious
Apparition - a sudden or unusual sight
Appease - to pacify often at the expense of principle
Appendage - a part such as an arm, leg, tail
Apperception - conscious perception
Apprehensive - uneasy or fearful about something that might happen
Appropriate - suitable for a particular purpose
Approximate - nearly exact; not perfectly accurate or correct
Apricate - to bask in the sun
Aptly - unusually intelligent
Aqueduct - a pipe or channel designed to transport water
Arabesque - a complex, ornate design of intertwined floral, foliate, and geometric figures
Arbitrariness - having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law
Arborglyph - tree carvings
Arcadia - any real or imaginary place offering peace and simplicity
Arcane - mysterious; secret
Archaeologist - an anthropologist who studies prehistoric people and their culture
Archaic - antiquated
Archimage - a great magician
Ardent - having, expressive of, or characterized by intense feeling
Ardor - eagerness, or enthusiasm
Arduous - full of hardships; hard to endure; severe
Areola - a ring of color, as around the human nipple
Argent - silver or something resembling it - (archaic)

Arid - dry and barren; lacking enough water for things to grow
Aristocrat - a hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility
Aroma - an agreeable odor
Arrangement - the act of putting in proper order
Array - series; regular order or arrangement
Arrest - *Medicine/Medical* to control or stop the active progress of
Arrival - a coming to stopping-place or destination
Artery - a major route of transportation into which local routes flow
Articulate - spoken or expressed clearly
Artifact - an ancient object made by human beings
Artisan - craftsman; a worker in a skilled trade
Ascension - rising upward
Ascertain - to find out definitely; learn with certainty
Asinine - foolish, unintelligent or stupid
Aspect - interpretation; view
Asperity - hardship; difficulty
Asperous - rough; uneven
Aspiration - an earnest wish for that which is above one's present reach
Aspire - to long, aim, or seek ambitiously
Assemblage - a group of persons or things gathered or collected
Assess -  to estimate or judge the value, character, etc.,
Asseveration - to declare seriously or positively
Assiduous - working diligently at a task; persevering
Assign - to give or allocate
Assimilate - to take into the mind and thoroughly comprehend
Assume - to take something for granted; presume
Assumption - the act of taking for granted or supposing
Astonish - to fill with sudden and overpowering surprise or wonder
Astound - to bewilder with sudden surprise
Astral - pertaining to or proceeding from the stars; stellar
Atomic - of, related to, or comprising atoms
Atrocity - an appalling or atrocious act
Attend - to be present at
Attentive - observant
Attest - to certify as accurate, genuine, or true
Attribute - to regard as resulting from a specified cause
Attune - adjust or accustom to
Audacity - boldness or daring, with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety
Audible - capable of being heard
Aura - a subtly pervasive quality or atmosphere seen as emanating from a person, place, or thing
Aural - of, relating to, or perceived by the ear
Aurulent - golden in color
Austere - severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict
Authentic - not false or copied; genuine; real
Autism - a psychiatric disorder marked by deficits in communication and social interaction
Automat - a type of self-service restaurant in which customers obtain food from small compartments by depositing coins in slots so that the doors can be opened
Autumnal - past maturity or middle life
Avert - to turn away
Await - to wait for; expect; look for
Awaken - to arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like
Awe - an overwhelming feeling of reverence
Awkward - lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy
Awry - away from the expected or proper direction; amiss
Axiom - an established rule, principle, or law
Azure - a light purplish blue
Babble - to talk idly, irrationally, excessively, or foolishly
Bacchanalia - a drunken feast; orgy
Backdrop - the background of an event; setting
Bacterium - ubiquitous one-celled organisms, which are involved
in infectious diseases, etc
Bade - to command; order
Baffle - to confuse, bewilder, or perplex
Balance - the degree to which all the attributes of a wine are in harmony
Ballistic - to become overwrought or irrational
Baneful - exceedingly harmful
Banish - to send, drive, or put away
Banqueting - eating an elaborate meal
Bantam - aggressive and spirited
Baritone - having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor
Baroque - pertaining to a style of architecture and art
Barrage - torrent, burst, sound of artillery
Barrel (ed) (ing) to force to go or proceed at high speed
Barter - to exchange in trade, as one commodity for another
Basically - for the most part
Basilica - an early Christian or medieval church of the type
Basis - a basic fact (((or))) the fundamental principle
Bask - to make warm by genial heat
Basmati - a variety of cultivated long-grain rice that is notably fragrant
Beaming - smiling brightly; cheerful
Beckon - to lure; entice
Bedlam - a scene or state of wild uproar and confusion

Becloud - to darken or obscure with clouds
Beeline - a direct route traveled quickly
Beelzebub - the chief devil; Satan
Befit - to suit
Befoul - to make dirty or filthy; soil; defile
Befriend - to make friends or become friendly with
Beguile - to amuse or delight
Behold - to observe; look at; see
Behooves - to be necessary or proper
Beige - very light brown
Belch - to burp
Beleaguer - besiege or attack; harass
Belladonna - a poisonous plant
Bellhop - a person who is employed, esp. by a hotel, to carry guests luggage, run errands, etc.
Belligerent - at war; showing a readiness to fight or quarrel
Bellows - an apparatus for increasing the draft to a fire
Bemuse - bewilder or confuse
Benevolence - a kindly, charitable act or gift
Bequeath - to hand down; pass on
Bequest - the act of giving, leaving by will, or passing on to another
Bereave - to deprive ruthlessly or by force
Berserk - wild, crazed, deranged
Beseech - to implore
Beset - to attack on all sides; assail; harass
Besmirch - to detract from the honor or luster of
Bestow - to present as a gift; give
Betroth - to engage to marry
Bewilder - to confuse or puzzle completely; perplex
Bibulous - fond of drinking
Bicker - an angry, petty dispute or quarrel
Bide - to await
Bidet - a low, basinlike bathroom fixture, usually with spigots, used for bathing the genital and perineal areas
Bill - the parts of a bird's jaws
Bindi - a small ornamental dot worn in the middle of a woman's forehead
Biology - the science of life or living organisms
Bittersweet - dark to deep reddish orange
Black Panthers -
a member of a militant black American organization
Blanch - to whiten by removing color; to scald
Blaspheme - to speak impiously or irreverently of God or sacred things
Blatant - without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious
Blather - foolish, voluble talk
Blatteroon - a person who will not stop talking
Blaze - a vivid glowing flame
Blazon - to set forth conspicuously or publicly
Bleak - desolate
Blemish - a mark that mars beauty
Blithe - carefree; joyous or merry in disposition
Blouse - a woman's shirt-like garment
Bludgeon - strike with a club
Blunder - careless mistake
Boast - to speak with exaggeration and excessive pride
Boisterous - noisily jolly or rowdy; clamorous
Bollard - a thick, low post, usually of iron or steel, mounted on a wharf or the like, to which mooring lines  from vessels are attached
Bolshevik - a member of the Russian Communist party
Bolster - to add to, support, or uphold
Boolif - Pirate talk for  thief
Bootblack - a person who shines shoes and boots for a living
Boring - the act or process of making or enlarging a hole
Borough - an incorporated municipality smaller than a city
Boscage - A growth of trees; thick foliage; a wooded landscape
Bota bag - a wine bag of Spain made of untanned goatskin and usually holding 1 to 2 liters
Bough - a branch of a tree, esp. one of the larger or main branches
Bounty - goodness
Bouquet - a pleasingly sweet olfactory property
Brambles - any prickly shrub belonging to the rose family
Breach - a breaking or being broken
Breadth - the measure or dimension from side to side; width
Briar - a tobacco pipe
Brimming - to be abundantly filled or supplied
Brimstone - the punishment of Hell
Briny - salty; The briny is an informal name for the sea
Brittle - fragile
Brocade - fabric woven with an elaborately (raised) design
Bromidic - ordinary; dull
Brontosaurus - a very large herbivorous quadrupedal dinosaur
Brooding - cast in subdued light so as to convey a somewhat threatening atmosphere
Brow - forehead
Brume - mist; fog
Brunneous - dark brown
Brute - savage; cruel
Buddah - (see Neptali)
Buffoon - person who amuses others by tricks, jokes, odd gestures
Buoyant - characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness
Burden - a source of great worry or stress
Bureau - a chest of drawers for clothing
Burgeon - to begin to grow, as a bud; put forth buds, shoots, etc
Burly - large in bodily size; stout; sturdy
Burrow - to make a hole or passage in
Cachinnator - to laugh hard, loudly, or convulsively
Cacophony - a loud harsh or strident noise; blare
Cairedon - The eastern half of what is today known as Great Kills
Calcify - to become stony or chalky by deposition of calcium salts
Calligraphic - a script, usually cursive, although sometimes angular
Callous - insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic
Camouflage - concealment by some means that obscures the appearance
Candelabra - branched candlestick having several to many holders
Candirú - man's most feared enemy; a parasitic catfish found in the Amazon River, and are more feared than the piranha
Cannoli - tubular pastry shells stuffed with a sweetened filling of whipped ricotta and often containing nuts, citron, or bits of chocolate
Cannonry - a discharge of artillery
Canopy bed - an ornamental awning above a throne or bed or held
over a person of importance on ceremonial occasions
Cantankerous - disagreeable to deal with; contentious
Capricious - impulsive and unpredictable
Caption - a heading or title, as of an article
Capuchin - a central and South American monkey
Carapace - a hard outer covering or shell for a turtle, armilillo, etc.
Careen - to rush headlong or carelessly
Caress - to touch or pat gently to show affection
Cargo - goods carried by a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle
Caricature - a resemblance, so ludicrously exaggerating
Carnal - passions and appetites of the body
Cartouche - a rounded, convex surface, usually surrounded with carved ornamental scrollwork
Cascade - series of shallow or steplike waterfalls, natural or artificial
Castaneous - chestnut-colored
Casual - relaxed
Catacombs - an underground passageway full of twists and turns
Catalyst - a person or thing acting as the stimulus in bringing about a result
Catamaran - a boat with two parallel hulls or floats
Catapult - a slingshot or type of launcher
Catastrophe - any great and sudden disaster or misfortune
Catatonic - appearing to be in a daze or stupor; unresponsive
Causeway - a paved footpath 
Cavern - any large dark enclosed space, especially as in a cave
Cavity - any hollow place; hollow
Celestial - pertaining to the spiritual or invisible heaven
Celluloid - motion-picture film
Cementitious - having the properties of cement
Cenotaph - a monument erected in honor of a dead person whose remains lie elsewhere
Centrifugal - pertaining to or operated by centrifugal force
Cerebellum - a large portion of the brain
Cerulean - deep blue or sky blue
Cesspool - any place of moral filth or immorality
Chambers - a room, usually private
Chaperon - a companion whose purpose is to restrict activity

Char - to burn or reduce to charcoal
Charismatic - possessing an extraordinary ability to attract
Chastise - to punish
Chatter - to utter a succession of quick, speechlike sounds
Chauffeur - a person employed to drive a private limousine
Cheval mirror - a large full-length mirror, usually standing on the floor
Chiffon - a sheer fabric of silk, nylon, or rayon in plain weave
Chiffonier - a shallow, tall, open piece of furniture, of the 18th century, having shelves for the display of china
Chimera - a horrible or unreal creature of the imagination
Chivalry - gallant warriors or gentlemen
Choli - a short-sleeved blouse or bodice, often one exposing part of the midriff, worn by Hindu women in India
Chortle - to chuckle gleefully
Churidar - a body hugging salwar which is tightly gripped to the body like a stocking and is very narrow around the ankle area
Circuitous - roundabout; not direct
Circumvent - evade; surround
Cistern - a reservoir, tank, or container for storing or holding water or other liquid
Clairvoyant - having the power to see objects beyond the range of natural vision
Clamor - a loud outcry; uproar
Clandestine - kept or done in secret, often in order to conceal an illicit or improper purpose
Clarity - clearness or lucidity as to perception or understanding
Clatter - noisy disturbance; racket
Claustrophobic - uncomfortably closed
Clearing - a tract of land that contains no trees or bushes
Cleave - to adhere closely
Clench - to grasp firmly; grip
Clever - mentally quick and original; bright
Clientele - a group or type of clients
Cloying - overly sweet, as to cause one to be sickened by it
Coax - to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion
Coffer - one of a number of sunken panels, square or octagonal
Cognitive - of or relating to cognition; concerned with the act or process of knowing, perceiving, etc.
Coined- a mode of expression considered standard
Colic - a condition of unknown cause as seen in infants
Collage - an assemblage of diverse elements
Colleague - A fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty
College - an institution of higher learning
Colour - Chiefly British for color
Colossal - extraordinarily great in size, extent, or degree; gigantic
Combative - ready or inclined to fight
Comely - attractive; agreeable
Commandeer - to seize arbitrarily
Commence - to begin; start
Commit - to do; perform
Commodious - spacious and convenient; roomy
Commodity - anything bought and sold
Commotion - noisy disturbance
Communal - used or shared in common by everyone in a group
Comparative - of or pertaining to comparison
Compel - to have a powerful and irresistible effect
Compendium - concise but comprehensive treatise
Complaisant - willing to please; obliging
Comported - to conduct or behave
Compose - to make up the constituent parts of
Composite - made up of separate parts or elements
Composition - The act of creating written works
Compound fracture - a fracture in which the broken bone is exposed through a wound in the skin
Comprise - to consist of
Compulsion - a strong, irresistible impulse to perform an act
Compunction - any uneasiness or hesitation about the rightness of an action
Conceal - to hide; to keep from being seen
Conceive - imagine, believe
Conceptualize - to form a concept
Concoct - to put together, make up or invent
Concupiscent - vigorously passionate
Condemn -  censure; disapprove of strongly
Condescend - to deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner
Condiment - something used to give a special flavor to food
Conduit - a pipe or tunnel for water or wires
Confidence - full trust; trustworthiness
Confines - a place of confinement; prison
Conflagrant - burning intensely; blazing
Conflict - to be in or come into opposition; differ
Confound - to perplex or amaze
Conform - action in accordance with customs, rules and prevailing opinion
Congeal - to coagulate; jell
Congenial - agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character
Conical - having the form of, or resembling a cone
Conjecture - the formation of a theory without sufficient evidence for proof
Conjugal - characteristic of marriage
Conjure - to bring to mind; recall
Connotation - undertone, implication
Conquest - anything acquired by conquering
Conscience - the inner sense of what is right or wrong
Conscious - aware of one's own existence
Consecration - a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose.
Consequence - an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome
Consort - to keep company (((or))) a companion, associate, or partner (or) a spouse
Consortium - the right of husband or wife to the company, assistance, and affection of the other
Conspicuous - easily seen or noticed
Consternation - a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay
Constituent - component; a necessary part or element
Consume - to eat or drink up; devour
Consummate - to complete; to fulfill
Contemplate - to ponder; meditate
Contemporary - of the present time; modern
Contemptuous - showing or expressing contempt or disdain
Content - 1 amount as in contents
Content - 2 satisfied with what one has
Contention - strife in debate; dispute
Contentious - argumentative; quarrelsome
Contests - to take an active stand against
Contingency plan - a plan designed to take a possible future event or circumstance into account
Continual - happening without interruption or cessation
Contort - to become twisted or bent
Contour - the edge or line that defines a shape
Contrabass - instrument that is lower than the bass
Contract -
become smaller; shrink (((or))) to expand
Contract -
to enter into an agreement
Contraption - a mechanical contrivance
Contrivance - something contrived; a device, esp. a mechanical one
Contrive - to plan with cleverness or ingenuity; devise
Convent - a society or association of monks, friars, or nuns
Conventional - customary; of, sanctioned by, or growing out of custom or usage
Converge - to tend to meet in a point or line
Converse - to talk informally with the others
Convey - to communicate; impart
Conviction - firmly held belief
Convivial - merry; festive; sociable; friendly
Convoluted - rolled or wound together with one part upon another
Convulse - to cause to shake violently with laughter, anger, pain
Coordinate - to function together in a concerted way
Coquette - A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures
Cornucopia - a horn containing food, drink, etc, in endless supply
Coronation - act or ceremony of crowning a sovereign
Cortical - involving or resulting from the action or condition of the cerebral cortex
Cosmonaut - a Russian or Soviet astronaut
Counterpart - one of two parts that fit and complete each other
Coup de grâce - the final blow delivered mercifully to end suffering
Courtesan - a prostitute or paramour, especially one associating with noblemen or men of wealth
Cove - a small indentation or recess in the shoreline of a sea
Covert - concealed, hidden or disguised
Covet - to desire wrongfully
Cranial - relating to the cranium which encloses the brain
Craquelure - a network of fine cracks on a paintings surface               
Creed - any doctrine or religious belief, as of a denomination
Crematorium - a building in which corpses are cremated
Creosote - an oily liquid used mainly as a preservative for wood
Crepe - a lightweight fabric of silk, cotton, or other fiber, with a finely crinkled or ridged surface
Crept - to move or advance slowly or gradually
Crepuscular - of, or pertaining to twilight; dim
Cretin - a stupid, obtuse, or mentally defective person
Crouch - to stoop, especially with the knees bent
Cryptic - mysterious in meaning; puzzling
Crystalline - of or like crystal
Cubic - having the form of a cube
Culminate - to end or arrive at a final stage
Cultivate - to promote or improve the growth of (a plant, for example)
Culvert - a drain or channel crossing under a road or sidewalk
Cumbersome - burdensome; troublesome
Curator - a person in charge of a museum, library , etc
Currency - money
Cursid - curse
Cushy - soft and comfortable
Cynical - negative or pessimistic
Daft - insane; crazy
Daguerreotype - early photographic process with the image made on a light-sensitive silver-coated metallic plate
Damned - doomed
Damsel - a young woman or girl; a maiden
Daunting - discouraging through fear
Day-glo - a trademark used for fluorescent coloring agents and materials
Debate - to engage in argument or discussion
Debilitate - to make weak or feeble
Debris - rubble or wreckage
Decadence - unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence
Decapitation - to cut off the head of; behead
Decay - to become decomposed; rot
Decipher - decode; to make out the meaning of
Decimate - destroy a great number
Declare - to make known or state clearly
Decline - 1 to cause to slope or incline downward
Decline - 2 to withhold or deny consent to do
Decorum - appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
Decree - a formal and authoritative order
Decrepit - broken down by old age
Deduce - to derive as a conclusion from something known or assumed
Deed - an act or gesture
Deem - to regard as; consider
Deface - to mar the surface or appearance of; disfigure
Defame -  to disgrace; bring dishonor upon  *(archaic)
Defamation - false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another
Defenses - the act of defending against attack, danger, or injury
Defiant - boldly resistant or challenging       
Deficient - a person who is deficient, esp. one who is mentally defective
Definitive - providing a solution or final answer
Deform - disfigure
Degage - free and relaxed in manner
Degradation - the act of degrading
Delectable - delightful; highly pleasing; enjoyable
Deleterious - harmful; injurious to health
Delirium - violent excitement or emotion; frenzy
Deluge - anything that overwhelms like a flood
Delusion - false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence
Demeanor - facial appearance
Demesne - possession of land as one's own
Demise - a ceasing to exist; death
Demolish - to destroy or ruin
Demonesque - image or likeness of an evil beast
Demonstrate - to manifest or exhibit
Demure - affectedly modest or shy; coy
Denial - refusal to recognize or acknowledge
Denote - to indicate
Depart - to go away; leave
Depiction - to represent as if by painting
Derail - to become derailed, by going astray
Derangement - insanity
Derelict - a person abandoned or neglected by society; a vagrant 
Dervishly - possessing abundant, often frenzied energy
Descendant - a person that is descended from a specific ancestor
Descent - a passage or stairway leading down
Descry - to catch sight of (something difficult to discern)
Desecrate - violate the sacred character of a place
Despicable - contemptible
Desolate - solitary; lonely
Despair - loss of hope; hopelessness
Desperate - extremely bad; intolerable or shocking
Despise - to regard with contempt, disgust, or disdain; scorn; loathe
Despondent - extremely discouraged
Desultory - aimless; unmethodical; unfocused wandering
Deter - to prevent

Deteriorate - to disintegrate or wear away
Determine - to conclude or ascertain, as after reasoning
Deterrent - something that interferes with or delays action or progress
Detestable - abominable; hateful
Development - the act or process of developing
Deviate - to turn aside from a course or way
Devoid - completely lacking
Devour - to swallow or eat up hungrily
Dexterity - skill or adroitness in using the hands or body; agility
Diabolic - having the qualities of a devil; devilish; fiendish
Dictate - to lay down authoritatively
Differentiate - to distinguish
Dilapidated - fallen into partial ruin through neglect, decay or age
Dilate -
to make wider or larger; cause to expand
Dilatory - intended to delay; slow
Dilemma - a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives
Diminish - to lessen; reduce
Diminutive - small; little
Dingy -
of a dark, dull, or dirty color or aspect
Dire - dreadful; terrible
Dirigible - a rigid airship, unlike the soft Inflatable blimp
Disapprove - to have an unfavorable opinion of (or) to reject
Discernible - capable of being discerned; distinguishable
Disciple - an active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy
Disconcerted - bewildered or confused, as by something unexpected
Disconsolate - hopelessly unhappy; inconsolable
Disconsolation - without consolation or solace; hopelessly unhappy
Discontent - dissatisfied
Discord - disagreement; difference of opinion
Discriminate - treat group unfairly because of prejudice
Disdain - to look upon or treat with contempt; despise; scorn
Disembowel - to eviscerate; to to remove the bowels
Disenchanted - disappointed or disillusioned
Disengage - to separate or free (one thing from another)
Disgruntle - to make discontented
Dishearten - to take away the enthusiasm of
Dishevel - to disarrange the hair or clothing of
Disillusion - to free from illusion
Dismiss - to rid one's mind of; dispel
Disparage - to reduce in esteem; belittle
Dispassionate - devoid of personal feeling
Dispel - to cause to vanish; alleviate (or) rid one's mind of
Disperse - to drive or send off in various directions
Displace - to move or put out of the usual or proper place
Displease - to cause annoyance or vexation to
Disposition - one's usual mood; temperament
Disquietude - uneasiness; anxiety
Disregard - to pay no attention to
Disrupt - to cause disorder or turmoil in
Dissect - to cut apart or separate
Disseminate - to scatter or spread widely
Dissipate - to drive away; disperse
Dissolve - to separate into parts or elements; disintegrate
Distemperance - a distempered or disordered
condition; disturbance of health, mind, or temper
Distinct - distinguishing or perceiving clearly
Distraught - distracted; deeply agitated
Diurnal - of or pertaining to a day or each day; daily
Divert - turn away from
Divine - extremely pleasant; delightful
Division point - One of a number of sections of a large railroad, run as an independent entity to the extent of having its own fleet of locomotives
Doctrine - a body or system of teachings relating to a particular subject, such as The Monroe Doctrine, and so on
Documentate - the process of documenting
Doe - a female deer
Doldrums - a period of depression or unhappy listlessness
Domain - land which belongs to a person
Domicile - a place of residence; house or home
Don - to put on (clothing)
Doobie - a marijuana cigarette
Dormant - as if asleep; quiet; still
Dormitory - a large room at a school or institution, containing several beds 
Dote - to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually
Doubloon - a former Spanish gold coin
Downtrodden - trampled upon
Drab - dull; cheerless; lacking in spirit
Drapery - coverings, hangings, clothing, etc
Drastic - forceful and extreme
Dreamscape - a dreamlike, often surrealistic scene
Droves - a large crowd of human beings
Duress - compulsion by threat or force
Dwelling - a building or place of shelter to live in; home
Dyke - a female homosexual; lesbian
Dynamics - the motivating or driving forces of
Dynasty - a succession of rulers from the same family or line
Eavesdrop - to listen secretly to the private conversation of others
Ebb - the flowing back of the tide as the water returns to the sea
Ebullient - overflowing with fervor, enthusiasm, or excitement
Eclipsed - obscured; darkened
Economic - Pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities
Ecstatically - joyful or enraptured
Edifice - a building of large size or imposing appearance
E'er - (ever) chiefly literary
Eerie - Inspiring inexplicable fear; suggestive of the supernatural
Effete - exhausted of vigor or energy; worn out
Efficient - being effective without wasting time or effort
Effigy - a representation or image
Efflorescent - bursting into flower
Effulgent - shining forth brilliantly; radiant
Eidetic image - vivid mental image in the form of a dream or fantasy, or an unusual power of memory and visualization of objects previously seen or imagined
Elaborate - planned or executed with painstaking attention to detail
Elapid - any of a family of venomous snakes with hollow fangs
Elate - to make very happy or proud
Elite - the most powerful, rich, gifted, or educated members of a group, community, etc
Elixir of life - an alchemic preparation formerly believed to be capable of prolonging life
Ell - a measure of length
Elliptical - tending to be ambiguous, cryptic, or obscure
Elongate - to increase in length; to extend
Eloquent - movingly expressive
Elude - to avoid or escape by evading
Elusive - tending to evade capture
Elusory -  eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define
Emaciate - to cause to lose flesh as to become very thin
Emanate - to come forth; emit
Emancipate - to free from bondage, oppression, or restraint
Emasculate - to deprive of strength or vigor; weaken
Embark - proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers
Embellish - decorate by adding detail; ornament
Emblazon - to adorn; to inscribe; to decorate with colors
Embodiment - a person, being, or thing embodying a spirit
Emboss - to adorn; decorate as if with a raised design
Embower - cover or surround with foliage
Embroidered - adorned or embellished rhetorically with ornate language or fictitious details
Emit - to send forth
Empalement - variant of impale
Empanada - a turnover resembling a taco filled with chopped meat onions, egg, olive, etc; usually baked
Empathy - ability to share in another's emotions, thoughts, or feelings
Emphasis - special forcefulness of expression that gives importance to something singled out
Emphatic - very impressive or significant
Empower - to give power or authority to
Empress - a female ruler of an empire
Empyreal - inspiring awe; celestial
Emulate - imitate with intent to equal or surpass 
Enamored - to inspire with love; captivate
Encaptivate - to captivate
Encase - to enclose
Encephalon - the brain of a vertebrate
Enchanting - charming; captivating
Encircle - to form a circle around; surround; encompass
Enclave - a distinctly bounded area enclosed within a larger unit
Encompass - encircle; surround
Encrypted - to put into code or cipher
Encumber - to burden with obligations
Endear - make attractive or lovable
Endeavor - a strenuous effort
Endowed - a natural gift or endowment  *(now obsolete)
Enervated - to weaken; to deprive of force or strength
Engulf - to swallow up; submerge
Enigma - a puzzling or inexplicable occurrence or situation
Ennui - boredom
Enormous - greatly exceeding the common size, extent, immense
Enrapt - filled with delight; enraptured
Enrapture - delight beyond measure
Ensconce - to settle securely or snugly
Enshrined - to enclose in
Ensnared - to capture in (a snare)
Ensure - to secure or guarantee
Entail - impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment
Entangle - to make tangled; ensnarl
Enthrall - captivate; fascinate
Enthusiasm - great excitement for
Entice - to attract by arousing hope or desire; lure
Entitle - to furnish with a right or claim to something
Entrails - the intestines
Entrance - to fill with delight or wonder

Entreat - to ask (a person) earnestly; to beg
Entrust - to confide; give as a trust to (someone)
Entwine - to twine with, about, around, or together
Enunciate - to utter or pronounce; to announce or proclaim
Enveloped - to wrap up in; to surround entirely
Envisage -
to contemplate; visualize
Envision - to picture mentally
Enwrap - to wrap or envelop in something
Ephemeral - lasting a very short time
Epicurean - fond of or adapted to luxury or indulgence in sensual pleasures;
having luxurious tastes or habits, especially in eating and drinking
Epitaph - an inscription on a tombstone or monument in memory of the person buried there
Epitome - a standard or typical example
Equation - the act of equating or making equal
Equestrian - a horseback rider
Equidistant - the same distance apart at every point
Equilibrium - mental or emotional balance; poise
Equipt - provided or fitted out with what is necessary or useful
Equivalent - equal in value, measure, force, effect, significance
Eradicate - wipe out; destroy; to get rid of
Erect - 1 upright in position or posture
Erect - 2 to build; construct
Erotic - arousing or satisfying sexual desire
Erratic - deviating from the proper course in conduct or opinion
Erroneous - containing or characterized by error
Erudite - learned; scholarly
Escarpment - a long steep slope or cliff at the edge of a plateau or ridge; usually formed by erosion
Esoteric - belonging to the select few; secret
Escritoire - a desk with a top section for books
Esculent - edible
Essence - the most important part or quality
Estate - a period or condition of life
Esteem - to regard highly or favorably
Ethereal - heavenly or celestial
Euphoria - a feeling of great happiness or well-being
Evaluate - to examine and judge carefully
Evanescent - a fading from sight; vanishing
Evening Primrose - a plant with yellow flowers that open at nightfall
Evenfall - the beginning of evening; twilight; dusk
Even keel - balanced
Eviscerate - to disembowel
Evoke - to summon or call forth
Ev'r - (ever) chiefly literary
Ewers - a decorative pitcher with a base an oval body, and a flaring spout
Exacerbate - aggravate; to make worse
Exacts - to force or compel the payment, yielding, or performance of:
Exasperate - to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely
Exceed - to be greater than; surpass
Excel - to surpass; be superior to; outdo
Exception - exclusion
Exclaim - to cry out or speak suddenly, as if in surprise
Excrete - to eliminate from the body
Excursion - a short trip or outing to some place
Exemplify - to show or illustrate by example
Exhibit - to show outwardly; display
Exhibition - an exposition or large fair
Exhilarate - to make cheerful or merry
Exiguous - meagre
Exile - expulsion from one's native land by authoritative decree
Existence - the state or fact of existing; being
Exoteric - pertaining to the outside; exterior; external
Expanse - an uninterrupted space or area
Expel - to drive or force out or away
Expletive - an interjectory word or expression, frequently profane
Export - to ship (commodities) to other countries for sale
Exquisite - of special beauty or charm
Exquisitries - Characterized by intricacies and or beautiful designs
Extend - to stretch out
Extensive - lengthy
Extol - to praise highly
Extract - to draw out or forth
Extraneous - not belonging or proper to a thing; external; foreign
Extravagant - excessively high (as in price)
Extricate - release with difficulty
Extrude - to force or thrust out
Exuberant - abounding in vitality; extremely joyful and vigorous
Eyeful - an amount of foreign matter blown into the eye
Fable - legends or myths collectively
Fabricate - to devise or invent
Facade - 1 the front of a building
Facade - 2 an artificial or deceptive front
Facet - one of numerous aspects, as of a subject
Facilitate - simplify a process
Facsimile - an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript
Falter - 1 to become hesitant from loss of courage or confidence
Falter - 2 to move unsteadily; stumble
Fanaticism - fanatical character, spirit, or conduct
Fanciful - imaginary; unreal or demanding; hard to please
Fathom - to comprehend
Fatigue - weariness from bodily or mental exertion
Fatigues - clothing worn by military personnel
Faux - artificial or imitation
Favillous - sparkling or glowing ashes
Feasible - possible
Feline - Feline - belonging or pertaining to the cat family
Fellating - to perform fellatio on
Feral - of or suggestive of a wild animal; savage; ferocious
Ferocious - violently cruel
Ferrofluid - a combination of magnetic particles suspended in a liquid
Fervid - marked by great passion or zeal
Fervor - great warmth and intensity of emotion
Festal - pertaining to or befitting a feast, festival or holiday
Fester - 1 to putrefy or rot
Fester - 2 to rankle, as a feeling of resentment
Festoon - a decorative representation of a string or chain of flowers foliage, ribbon, suspended in a curve between two points
Fibre - elongated threadlike cells, a muscle fiber or a nerve fiber
Fibrils - small slender fibers or filaments
Fictitious - imaginatively produced or set forth; created by the imagination
Figurative - of the nature of or involving a figure of speech
Fireplace ensemble - set of five tools that stands upright beside a fireplace
Firmament - the vault of heaven; the sky
Fixate - to focus one's eyes or attention on.
Flabbergasted - to cause to be overcome with astonishment
Flagrant  - scandalous
Flair - smartness of style, manner
Flamboyant - florid; ornate; elaborately styled
Flashback - the spontaneous recurrence of visual hallucinations or other effects of a drug, as LSD, long after the use of the drug has been discontinued
Fleeting - passing swiftly
Flimsy - without material strength or solidity
Flitter - to move quickly from one condition or location to another
Flog - to beat with a stick or whip
Florida room - a sunroom
Flounce - to go with impatient or impetuous, exaggerated movements
Floundering - to move or act in confusion
Flourish - to grow luxuriantly; to thrive
Fluctuate - to change continually
Fluent - flowing or moving smoothly
Flummox - to confuse; perplex
Flurry -
a sudden burst or commotion
Fluster - to put into a state of agitated confusion
Flux - the lines of force of an electric or magnetic field
Flying Buttress - a segmental arch transmitting an outward and downward thrust to a solid buttress that through its inertia transforms the thrust into a vertical one
Focal - of or relating to a focus
Foliage - plant leaves, especially tree leaves
Foliose - covered with leaves; leafy
Foreboding - a strong inner feeling of a future misfortune
Foreman - a person in charge of a group of workers
Forge - to move ahead slowly
Forlorn - without hope; desperate
Formidable - causing fear, apprehension, or dread
Formulate - to express in precise form
Forsake - abandon; desert
Forsooth - in truth; in fact; indeed
Forthwith - immediately; at once; without delay
Fortitude - strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or adversity with courage
Fortuitous - accidental; by chance
Foundation - the lowest division of a building, wall, or the like
Fragment - a small part broken off or detached
Fragrant - having a pleasant scent or aroma
Framework - the basic supporting structure of anything
Fret - to torment; irritate, annoy, or vex
Fruition - something attained or realized
Fuliginous - the color of soot, dark gray, dull brown, black
Fulminate - to explode with a loud noise
Furrow - a narrow groovelike or trench like depression in any surface
Futile - incapable of producing any result
Gait - a manner of walking, stepping, or running
Gallant - a brave, noble-minded, or chivalrous man
Garment - an article of clothing worn by both sexes
Gaudy - showy in a tasteless or vulgar way
Gaurntruffle's - The little creatures who come to visit you on either ether or laughing gas, and always seem to run off into the woodwork before the high is officially over
Gelatin - a glutinous substance obtained by boiling in water the ligaments, bones, skin, etc., of animals, and forming the basis of jellies, glues, and the like
Gelified - that which has turned to a jelly substance
Germinate - to come into existence; begin
Gesture - a movement that is expressive of an idea
Ghagra - skirt, usually flared, which reaches up to the ankles. usually has embroidery or some other work on it. *also spelled Ghaghra*
Ghastly - shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible
Ghetto - a section of a city, (slum area) inhabited predominantly by members of an ethnic
group, often as a result of social or economic restrictions, pressures, or hardships
Gibber - to speak inarticulately or meaninglessly
Gingerly - with great care or delicacy
Glare - a very harsh, bright, dazzling light
Glee - open delight or pleasure; exultant joy
Glimmer - a glow or twinkle of light; a faint indication
Glisten - to reflect a sparkling light or a faint intermittent glow; shine lustrously
Gloat - dwell on something with great self-satisfaction
Gnarly - distressing; offensive; gross
Gnaw - to trouble or torment by constant annoyance
Goblin - a grotesque elf that is mischievous or malicious toward people
Gondola - a small, narrow boat used on the canals of Venice
Grandiloquent - puffed up with vanity; pompous
Grandiose - characterized by greatness of scope or intent; grand
Grapple - to grasp and fight with
Great Banyan tree - East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks
Gregarious - friendly and sociable
Grey - variant of gray, which is the American derivite of the original
Grievance - the act of inflicting hardship or harm
Griff - a person of mixed blood
Griffin - a fabled monster, usually having the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion
Grimace - a facial expression, often ugly that indicates disapproval
Gripe - to complain naggingly or constantly; grumble
Groggy - dazed and weakened as from exhaustion, or lack of sleep
Grope - to feel about with the hands
Grueling - exhausting; very tiring
Gruff - low and harsh; hoarse
Guardian - a person who guards, protects, or preserves
Guerite - a projecting turret for a sentry
Guise - general external appearance
Gulab jamun - a milk-solid based dessert, deep fried and dropped into simmering sugar syrup
Gurney - a flat, padded stretcher with legs and wheels
Gush - to emit abundantly; pour forth
Gyrate -
to move in a circle or spiral
Haberdashery - a store where men's clothes are sold
Habitation - occupancy by inhabitants
Hack - to clear (a road, path) by cutting away vines, trees, brush, etc.
Hades - the underworld inhabited by departed souls
Haematic - of or pertaining to blood
Half-timbered - having the frame and principal supports of timber and the interstices filled in with masonry, plaster, etc
Halcyon - happy; joyful; carefree
Hallow - regarded as holy; sacred
Hallucinogenic - producing hallucinations
Hamlet - a small village

Hamper - to hold back; hinder
Handwoven - woven by hand
Hanker - to have a strong, often restless desire
Haphazardy - in a haphazard manner; at random
Hapless - unlucky; luckless; unfortunate
Harken - to listen attentively
Harlot - a prostitute; whore
Hassock - a thick, firm cushion used as a footstool
Hastily - speedy; quick; hurried
Haughty - behaving in a superior way
Haven - any place of shelter and safety
Havoc - widespread destruction (or) disorder or chaos
Hawk - to peddle or offer for sale by calling aloud in public
Hearth - the floor of a fireplace
Heathen - a pagan
Hedgeapple - another name for the fruit of the Osage Orange tree
Heinous - evil; atrocious
Hemisphere - a half of a sphere
Hence - therefore
Henna - a reddish brown dye used on hands and hair
Heresy - an opinion that contradicts established principles
Hermetic - isolated
Herpetoid - of, like or pertaining to snakes
Hesitate - to be reluctant or wait to act because of fear, etc.,
Hewn - to cut down
Hierarchy - arranged in order of rank, grade, class
Hieroglyphic - ancient language written with symbols very difficult to decipher
Hieronymus Bosch - 15th century painter
Hilarity - boisterous gaiety or merriment
Hinder - to be an obstacle or impediment
Hinderance - something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress
Historic - belonging to the past; of what is important in the past
Hitherto - up to this time; until now
Hoary - gray or white with age
Hobgoblin - a mischievous goblin
Hobnail - a pattern of small studs, as on glass
Hogwash - nonsense
Hologram - the intermediate photograph that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional image by holography
Holy Trinity - the union of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost
in one Godhead
Homage - respect or reverence paid or rendered
Honed - to improve; perfect
Horrendous - shockingly dreadful; horrible
Hub - a focus of activity, authority, commerce, transportation, etc
Hue - a particular shade or tint of a given color
Humdinger - statement of remarkable excellence
Humdrum - lacking variety; boring; dull
Humidity - humid condition; moistness; dampness
Hydrangea - several species which are cultivated for their large, showy flower clusters
Hymn - a song or ode in praise or honor of God, a deity, a nation, etc
Hyperextended - to extend beyond a normal range of motion
Hypochondriac - a person who worries or talks excessively about his or her health
Hypocrisy - a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or
religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess
Hypocrite - a person who professes beliefs and opinions that he or she does not hold in order to conceal his or her real feelings or motives
Hypothesis - a mere assumption or guess
Hysterics - a fit of uncontrollable laughter or weeping; hysteria
Iconographic - pictorial illustration of a subject
Idiosyncratic - a characteristic, habit or mannerism that is peculiar to an individual.
Igneous - produced under conditions involving intense heat as rocks of volcanic origin
Ignore - to refrain from noticing or recognizing
Illude - to deceive or trick
Illuminate - to supply or brighten with light
Illusion - things perceived differently than how they are in reality
Illusionary - of, pertaining to, or characterized by illusions
Illusive - having the nature of an illusion; unreal
Illusory - causing illusion; deceptive; misleading
Illustrious - of a very high quality
Ill-begotten - ill-conceived
Ill-will - unfriendly feeling; animosity; hostility
Imagination - a conception or mental creation
Imbecile - stupid; silly; absurd
Imbue - to inspire or influence thoroughly
Immaculate - free from moral blemish or impurity; pure; undefiled
Immanence - (philosophy) - taking place within the mind
of the subject and having no effect outside of it
Immediate - happening at once and without delay
Immense - vast; huge
Immerse - to involve deeply; absorb
Imminent - likely to occur at any moment; impending
Immoral - contrary to established moral principles
Impair - functioning poorly or inadequately
Impale - to pierce with a sharpened stake thrust up through the body
Impaling - to make helpless as if pierced through

Impalpable - difficult for the mind to grasp readily or easily
Impart - to give; bestow
Impassable - not passable

Impasse - a position or situation from which there is no escape
Impassion - to fill, or affect strongly, with intense feeling or passion
Impassioned - filled with intense feeling or passion; passionate; ardent
Impassive - revealing no emotion; expressionless
Impeccable - without defect or error; flawless
Impecunious - penniless; poor
Impede - to obstruct; hinder
Impend - to be imminent; be about to happen
Imperative - unavoidable; inescapable; compelling
Imperceptive - not perceptive
Impersonate - to assume the character or appearance of
Impervious - impenetrable; incapable of being injured
Impetuous - characterized by sudden and forceful energy or emotion
Implacable - not able to be satisfied or won over
Implement - 1 a tool or instrument
Implement - 2 to put into effect by means of a definite plan

Implication - an implied meaning
Implicit - having no doubts or reservations
Implore - to appeal to in supplication; beseech
Imply - to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated
Impose - to obtrude or force on another or others
Impoverished - reduced to poverty
Impress - to affect strongly, often favorably
Improbable - unlikely to be true or to happen
Improv - an improvisation
Improverb - a verbalization of something uttered or improvised upon
Impulse - sudden, involuntary inclination prompting to action
Impute - to attribute
Inadvertently - unintentionally
Inane - pointless; worthless; useless
Inanimate - lifeless; pertaining to non living things
Inappropriate - not proper or suitable
Incandescent - intensely bright; brilliant
Incantation - chanted words or a formula
Incapacitated - lacking in or deprived of strength or power
Incarcerate - to imprison; confine
Incentive - inciting, as to action; stimulating
Inception - beginning; start
Incessant - continual; never ceasing
Incident - an individual occurrence or event
Incision -
a cut, gash, or notch
Incite - urge on
Incline - slant, or slope
Incognito - one whose identity is disguised or concealed
Inconceivable - unimaginable; unthinkable; unbelievable
Inconsequential - lacking worth or importance
Inconspicuous - not readily noticeable
Incorporate - embody
Incorporeal - of, pertaining to, or characteristic of nonmaterial beings
Increment - an increase or addition, especially one of a series on a fixed scale
Incur - to become liable or subject to as a result of one's actions
Indecency - the quality or condition of being indecent
Indecisive - characterized by indecision
Indefinite - not definite           
Indelible - marks that cannot be erased or removed
Indescribable - too extraordinary for description
Indigenous - originating and living naturally in an area
Indiscernible - difficult or impossible to perceive
Indistinguishable - identical or very similar
Indomitable - unconquerable
Inebriate - to make drunk; intoxicate
Ineludible - inescapable
Inescapable - impossible to escape or avoid
Inevitable - unable to be avoided, evaded, or escaped
Inexcusable - incapable of being excused or justified
Inexorable - unyielding; unalterable
Inexplicable - incapable of being explained
Infantile - characteristic of or befitting an infant; babyish
Infatuate - to inspire with unreasoning love or attachment
Infer - to hint; imply; suggest
Infernal - extremely troublesome
Inferno - a place or region that resembles hell
Infidelity - unfaithfulness; disloyalty
Infiltrate - to filter into or through; to permeate
Infinitesimal - immeasurably small
Infirmary - a small hospital
Infirmed - sick
Inflame - to incite or rouse, as to violence
Infraction - to violate or break (a law, an agreement, etc)
Infrastructure - The basic facilities needed for the functioning of a community or society
Infuriate - to enrage
Infuse - to fill or cause to be filled with something
Ingest - to take into the body
Ingracious - ungracious; unkind
Ingrateful - ungrateful
Ingress - a means or place of entering; entryway
Inherent - existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
Inimitable - incapable of being imitated or copied
Iniquity - a wicked act; sin
Initiate - to begin
Initiative - an introductory act or step
Inkling - slight idea or vague notion
Inlay - material set into the surface of something to form a design
Innards - the internal parts of the body; entrails
Innocuous - not harmful or injurious; harmless
Innumerable - incapable of being counted
Inoculate - to introduce a serum into the bloodstream
Inquire - to seek information by questioning
Inquisition - any harsh, difficult, or prolonged questioning
Inquisitive - unduly or inappropriately curious
Insatiable - incapable of being satisfied or appeased
Inscribe - to write, print, mark, or engrave words
Insensitive - unfeeling; callous
Insidious - deceitful; treacherous
Insightful - a clear and deep perception
Insignificant - unimportant; meaningless
Insinuate - to suggest or hint slyly
Insipid - without interesting or stimulating qualities
Insolent - boldly rude or disrespectful
Instance - a case or occurrence of anything
Instigate - get something started
Instill - to infuse slowly or gradually into the mind
Insupportable -  incapable of being endured; intolerable
Insurmountable - not capable of being overcome
Intact - complete or whole; not broken
Intangible - incapable of being realized or defined
Integral - necessary to the completeness of the whole
Integrity - adherence to moral and ethical principles
Intense - deeply felt; profound
Intent - determined
Intention - what a person plans or intends to do
Interbred - to breed or mate with a closely related individual
Interjected - to insert between other elements; interpose
Interlude - a usually short period or gap
Interminable - incapable of being terminated; unending
Intermingle - to mix or become mixed together
Internecine - characterized by great slaughter; deadly
Interparental - existing between parents; tension
Interpret - to provide the meaning of
Interrogate - to ask questions of
Intimidate - to make timid; fill with fear
Intonation - pattern or melody of pitch changes in connected speech

- 1 to affect temporarily with diminished physical and mental control by means of alcoholic liquor, a drug, or another substance
- 2 to make enthusiastic; elate strongly; to exhilarate
Intranssient - remaining; permanent
Intrepid - brave
Intrigue - to arouse the interest or curiosity of
Intrinsic - of or relating to the essential nature of a thing
Intrusion - an inappropriate or unwelcome addition
Intuition - direct perception of truth, fact, etc; immediate apprehension
Intuitive - spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency
In tune - to put into a proper state or disposition
Inuit - a member of the Eskimo-Aleut family
Inundate - to overwhelm
Invert - to turn inward or back upon itself
Invoke - to cause, call forth, or bring about
Ion - an atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons
Irascible - easily provoked to anger; very irritable
Irate - angry; enraged
Iridescent - producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors
Irk - to be irritating, wearisome, or vexing to
Irrelevant - not connected with the subject that is being discussed
Irrevocable - not capable of being revoked or altered
Isolate - to separate, cut off or keep apart from others
Ivory - a tusk or tooth from an animal or mammal
Jacek Yerka -
famous Polish painter of fantasy world and landscapes
Japped - stabbed
Jargon - unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing; gibberish
Jaunted - a short trip or excursion, usually for pleasure
Jeer - to speak or shout derisively; scoff or gibe rudely
John - a prostitute's customer
Journal - a daily record of occurrences, experiences, or observations
Jovial - merry, jolly, mirthful
Jurisdiction - power; authority; control
Juxtaposition - an act of placing close together or side by side
Kameez - a long tunic worn by many people from the Indian subcontinent (usually with a salwar or churidars)
Keel (on an even keel) - in a state of balance
Keen - characterized by strength and distinctness of perception
Keg 'o colt - Colt 45 malt liquor in keg 'o bottles
Kindle - to set fire to or ignite (((or)))
to excite; set up or start going
Kinetic -
characterized by movement
Knight - a heroic champion of a lady or of a cause or principle
Kremlin - the executive branch of the government of Russia
Kurta - a loose collarless shirt worn by people in Indian
