Chapter 23
The wonderful workings of a time machine

Pete suggested we all take a walk to the Eltingville train station. Since neither of us could come up with a better idea, we complied. Ten minutes later, we arrived at Joe’s Optimo cigar shop adjacent to the train station where we entered. John looks at the cigars but buys nothing. Pete looks at the Tiparillos and winds up buying a pack of Tijuana Smalls.
Whilst I, not wanting to get lost in the shuffle, request a pack of Muriel Coronas.
Joe was a cigar-chomping Brooklyn native who always had a cigar in his mouth. No one understood him when he spoke that unintelligible jargon, but we respected him nonetheless.

Upon exiting the cigar store, which was partly a convenience store, I paused under the overhanging sign to light my cigar. After sparking it five times, my cricket lighter would emit its final flame. So small was this delicate bead of light that it almost seemed to be levitating above the lighter itself. Knowing it was about to disappear, I began puffing in and out while continuing to release the gas. One usually puffs that way when using a match to light a stogie. The flame will flare out like a torch.
As we ascended the steps leading up to the Eltingville train station, it didn't take long for us to grow restless. As I stood over the yellow line, looking down at the tracks, I felt like a gerbil running the wheel. My heart was speeding, and it seemed as though I were running on only one pint of blood. Enervated and weak, would be the best way to describe it. I felt the life being sucked out of me by an unknown force and, in its place, the very principle of agitation.
I was confused beyond reason as the world, which had forever spun in one direction, had now suddenly decided to come to a grinding halt.

Like a bus ready to overheat, I removed my thin flannel shirt. I then thought about what I had done before removing my T-shirt as well. John could not fathom me walking around bare-chested and began to act very embarrassed and ashamed. He then started to walk in the opposite direction before stopping, like a little boy who suddenly realized he had been following a stranger. Sheepishly he made his way back but refused to make eye contact.
Peter, who was acting very truculent, kept to himself, and it was quite apparent that he was living in malice.
Similar to the animals of the forest when they are provoked, it appeared that humans were not exempt from becoming increasingly territorial either. And that little observation could certainly prove to be a danger to us all.
As I gazed at the metal sign, I saw the word, Eltingville. I had never thought about it before, but it was now becoming significant.
What did it mean, that strange name?
I know it was foolish to dwell on, but I couldn't help but wonder. It was only then, did I suggest that we walk the tracks. Since we were all feeling a bit adventurous, Pete decided it wasn't such a bad idea. We then hopped down from the old wooden platform and began our descent into oblivion. I tried to imagine what we must look like to the ghosts and apparitions now watching us from the station as we faded away into the distance.
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There was always something watching someone it appeared (from my mind's eye) as if from a ubiquitous window in time, and I found that to be exhilarating.
Looking back, my eyes took a second to focus, similar to a cheap camera that was always on and ready.
Hamilton Streetcar - Invisible people
How wonderful it felt to be in motion, to be moving unrestrained. So free were we now to travel, to go about our way without restrictions; to follow our own instincts and senses without rules and regulations posted everywhere, showing us where we can and cannot go, telling us what we can and cannot do.
With each step I took, I began to feel as though we were walking in a dream, and the further we got, the more memorable the whole night seemed. It appeared as though Captain Jack had given us our own private island.

In the distance, I could see the Hawaiian restaurant coming into view. There were many lights fashioned to shine upon that faded brown metal sign, which bore the name of the remarkable establishment. As we passed by, I could clearly see the white vinyl letters that had curled up around the edges, giving it a more pronounced look. Thus, creating a sharper appearance.
So intrigued was I by the withering of the years that I found myself entranced in its hypnotic presence. I was completely baffled at how it now looked more Polynesian and exotic than it ever did before. All because of an error in manufacturing that caused the material to shrivel over time. As we gradually came closer, I realized these permanent white stick-on letters actually had more of an authentic look to them as they got older, almost like a new form of Asian lettering. It seemed as if they were now ‘fully accentuated’ by the whole aspect of the South Pacific Sea and a foreign culture we've come to adopt and love.
Below the overpass, calcium carbonate deposits from rainwater, combined with an accumulation of sprayed rock salt, form small, brittle stalactites on its discolored underbelly. It is a buildup over time, from when water and salt become trapped within the pores of the old concrete. Gradually, it finds its way out by trickling downward.
In winter, the exterior wall resembled a glistening waterfall of white, like frozen milk.
One that is smooth to the touch as polished glass, while in summer, parts of the exterior surface appear to be caked and crumbling, as if it has already begun its transformation into rock salt. In certain areas of Brooklyn, you will find there are literally piles of accumulated concrete powder decorating the appearance of old structures and exposing the rusted steel used to secure the entire railway's facade.
As we exited the overpass and moved on, I saw an old, barbed wire fence to my left.
Covered in rust and decaying, it stood there like a monument from another time, whose only purpose now, I thought, was to just exist until the sentinels of time whisk it away.

Toward the middle, it bowed like a swag valance, for a tree had grown through it.
As that tree continues to grow, it has no other choice than to devour whatever is in its way until nothing remains. One day, I am sure that part of the fence is going to be either gone or dangling many feet in the air, like an old kite string. Further ahead, the superannuated fence just seemed to stop, leaving its bare, rusting threads to dance like fibrils in the wind. Soon, neither us nor they shall remain.
It didn't take long before we approached the Annadale station.
It was around this time that I felt it grow stronger still. Looking up, I noticed a large banner had been draped across the trestle that read: “Welcome to Annadale Junction,” and I was elated.
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John noticed it, too, and asked happily, “What's a junction?” I explained to him that a hundred years ago, there were no train stations. In those days, a train stop was called a junction. And now, I think we might very well be back in time. Of course, Peter was not within earshot to spoil it for me because, again, I was making it up as I went along. A chance I could infuse my ideas into the mind of another participant on the journey.
If you looked at the situation as I did in the present tense, you would then have to ask yourself a simple question. Who in their right mind would ingest a psychoactive substance and then go outside to try and act normal?
((((((((((((((((Isn't that what coffee is for? ))))))))))))))))

John marveled at the thought of it and was filled with glee. Forthwith, he was overcome by insurmountable little bursts of adrenaline. The kind we so often felt as children on an excitable day. It wasn't too long after when my mind began to prefabricate wild yarns, and in my head, I imagined we had passed through an invisible doorway, a doorway leading back instead of forward.

The 1980s had miraculously vanished, and I was walking down the tracks before my parents were born. It was an incredible feeling, kind of like being in a dream where you are living somewhere else. You know every room in that house; until you wake up. I could almost envision horse-drawn carriages awaiting me on the other side of the tracks, the taste of fresh water from a hand-drawn well, and the scent of honeysuckles from afar.
As the wheels inside my head began to spin faster, my senses were more attuned to creating the next scene. In my mind, I saw the sun standing still in the midday hour where women in fancy apparel walked nonchalantly. They who gently twirl their parasols behind them are, in fact, sporting their femininity. I can now hear them whisper very excitedly to one another while vying through the corner of their eyes for perspective grooms. Never at any time were these damsels grandiloquent in nature but rather quiet and shy.
The modern contrivances of the day had dissolved, as did the sun, and all that remained were the dying embers of time extracted from a shadowy canvas that lined the sky. That immense glory forever fulfilling the pages of hope from a book I never thought would be written in my lifetime. One that lay in a dark corner of my mind, long discarded.
At last, the annals of truth will be revealed,and the days of my life shall be recounted.
Euphoria was coursing through my veins like an analgesic, and I was now oblivious to everything except that which resided in my own macrocosm.
Although it was only a state of mind, our imagination was taking us to new heights. Weird things were beginning to happen in my brain, and I honestly felt I had somehow breached the threshold in making the transition from 1982 to 1882. As we proceeded down the tracks, following two shimmering rails of lighted steel, we truly felt like the lords of all creation.
But this was just not meant to be, for up ahead in the distance, we heard what would ultimately be the end of my evening.
The Twilights - Stop the world for a day
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Reviews for chapter 23
Joe Yasner - When very word begs to be written, you are no longer a writer but an artist! Congrats fella!
Ronnie Mack - Coffee is not a psychoactive substance
Charles Pendelton - According to National Geographic magazine, and every other place I've looked, caffeine is still the world's most popular psychoactive drug. *Take a look for yourself and you'll see*
Caffeine is officially the world's most popular psychoactive drug
((((((((((((((((((((P.S. - It is also a stimulant))))))))))))))))))))
This review was posted on Nov/15/22
This review was posted on Dec/22/22
iqrabashir871 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 23 - The wonderful workings of a time machine
Reader's Report by Iqra

This review was posted on Dec/31/22
nehanegi1905 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 23 - The wonderful workings of a time machine
Reader's Report by nehanegi1905
This review was posted on Jan/2/23
alits29's review


This review was posted on Jan/2/23
Hajranoor's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 23 - The wonderful workings of a time machine
Reader's Report by Hajra

This review was posted on Feb/2/23 kanchanninawe's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 23 - The wonderful workings of a time machine
Reader's Report by kanchan
This review was posted on Mar/12/23
Reviewed by yashodha_95
This review was posted on Apr/20/23
This review was posted on Apr/24/23 Reviewed by aamnaaaa
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on May/7/23
Tayyaba17's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 23 - The wonderful workings of a time machine
Reader's Report by Tayyaba
This review was posted on Jun/11/23 Reviewed by pazkou PK
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on Jun/18/23 Reviewed by tawhida TW

This review was posted on Jun/18/23 Reviewed by labia_1903

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This review was posted on Jun/30/23 Reviewed by suma303755

This review was posted on Aug/4/23 Reviewed by hinaspatel
This review was posted on Aug/8/23
sidrahumar120's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 23 - The Wonderful Workings of a Time Machine
Reader's Report by Sidrah
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This review was posted on Aug/12/23 (Evening) Reviewed by rupalrao


 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on Sep/6/23 Reviewed by sarah1409

This review was posted on Sep/8/23 Reviewed by sampriktaada813
This review was posted on Sep/19/23 Reviewed by qeilisha
This review was posted on Oct/26/23 Reviewed by nusratjahan603

This review was posted on Oct/28/23 Reviewed by ritikagoyal587

Saleha Zainab - Oct 31 - Chapter 23 SZ
"The Wonderful Workings of a Time Machine"
**Imagery and Descriptive Language**: The passage is rich in descriptive language, with the author using vivid imagery to create a detailed mental picture for the reader. The descriptions of the surroundings, such as the cigar shop, the train station, and even the decaying fence, are meticulously crafted. This imagery helps in immersing the reader in the story and engaging the senses.
**Nostalgia and Surrealism**: The passage carries a strong sense of nostalgia, with the author reflecting on the past and envisioning a different time. This nostalgia is further accentuated by the mention of specific historical details, such as the reference to the 1980s. The blending of the past and present creates a surreal atmosphere, making the reader question the boundaries of reality.
**Introspection and Imagination**: The narrative is heavily introspective, with the author's thoughts and musings dominating the text. The characters' actions are driven by their imagination, particularly the protagonist's, who envisions a transition from 1982 to 1882. This use of introspection and imagination allows for a deep exploration of the characters' thoughts and emotions.
**Transcending Time**: The narrative theme centers around the concept of transcending time, not in a literal sense but through the power of human imagination. It encourages readers to contemplate how our surroundings and personal reflections can transport us to different eras and emotional states. The narrative effectively explores this theme through the characters' experiences.
**Writing Style**: The author's writing style is poetic and evocative. It creates a sense of wonder and curiosity, which are essential for a narrative that deals with surreal experiences and introspection. The prose flows smoothly, contributing to the immersive quality of the text.
**Narrative Depth**: The chapter doesn't follow a conventional plot structure but is more of a meditative and introspective exploration of the characters' experiences. This approach may not be suitable for readers seeking a traditional narrative with a clear plot and character development. In conclusion, this chapter titled as "The Wonderful Workings of a Time Machine" is a beautifully written and immersive exploration of nostalgia, imagination, and the power of human thought. It uses vivid imagery and introspection to create a sense of timelessness and wonder in readers.
*Note* It has non-linear and introspective nature which may not appeal to all readers, as it prioritizes the evocation of emotions and contemplation over a traditional plot-driven storyline. But for reader like me who is aware of author's real life story and intention of writing this book the case is different.
This review was posted on Feb/18/24 Reviewed by mariya


This review was posted on Mar/20/24 Reviewed by sababaloch292

This review was posted on Apr/7/24 Reviewed by adeeba

This review was posted on Jul/11/24 Reviewed by poesiha

This review was posted on Jul/31/24 Reviewed by preety

This review was posted on Sep/14/24 Reviewed by aimanmengal3
This review was posted on Nov/18/24 Reviewed by swatigarg249

This review was posted on Nov/27/24 Reviewed by craftopia

This review was posted on Dec/27/24 Reviewed by jayamalir234

This review was posted on Dec/23/24 Reviewed by kalpana_patel
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