Charles Pendelton
      © 2008 Marty Langdon
Office hours


                                                    Today is 4/3/20

              And we are caught in the grip of the Corona-virus pandemic


As we are kept under quarantine, and as we struggle to comprehend the majority of what
is happening to our nation, it is our responsibility to ensure we will not infect others by
simply refraining from leaving the sanctity of our confined spaces.

Try to remain diligent in utilizing social distancing, and steadfast, in knowing there will
soon be a vaccine at our disposal. Unfortunately, as in 25% of all cases worldwide, the
harvester of this profound pathogen is merely someone who doesn't even know he has it.

In the end, as was the Spanish flu of 1918-1919, just know that during this historic period of
time, mankind is rewriting history. We are now a part of tomorrow's unique world, where
textbooks and history books will bear mention of this devastating natural phenomena.

A place and time, where tomorrow's children gasp, and adults make the sign of the cross,
because the virus that affects us today, will bring the world of tomorrow much to ponder.