Chapter 37
The ominous Mr. Wong

Looking around for something to build my creativity upon, I began to examine my friend's house. To my astonishment, it was covered in arabesque writing. Like a grand qasida that appeared to have no end, it went on and on.
Who can interpret these polymeric symbols that looked like they were printed on ethereal soffit?

Similar to a psychedelic watermark that radiates with life, to look as it would if it were deep under an ocean swell.
I soon began to wonder if the dwelling itself was simply a conveyor of information.
In the same way, a solar panel reflects heat, words and emotions were translated into codes that were laid out in text from the opposing side. As unreadable as they were, they were not opaque in the moon's light, but rather only their meaning, muddled. Every breath taken and every enunciation had been cleverly concealed within the confines of the abode. Like textbook writing for the insane, it was clearly documented. Quietly, all the repressed ideas and hermetic thoughts that ever arose in that domicile were now seeping through.
It was sprawled out for my eyes to see, but I could not decipher the code to this puzzle of madness.

Maybe that's how Santa knows who's been naughty or nice; I reveled in my insanity. I laughed at the pure derangement of it all before focusing on my own life in general.
Gazing up into nothingness, past the trees lined with rows of houses, I tried to imagine a grandiose mountain in the background. Just then, a needle was gently placed upon a record in an old victrola.

The scratches and pops faded to the sound of a lone violin playing softly off in the distance. At the very top of that perilous mountain stood none other than Ed Norton, who appeared to be singing a tune to Ralph, who it seems had gotten himself into another bind again.
When you try to make fact out of fiction. And the answer is nowhere to be found. Look up to the sky, and don't worry, for soon you'll be coming around.
I smiled aptly, for I knew my whole life lay ahead of me. However, that road I fear I must travel is clouded with much doubt and uncertainty.

Subsequently, time has shown me that I am not a mannequin in the corner, neither am I a wishing well for people to cast coins into and make wishes that won't come true. Sadly, I am only a man.
A man who must forego his dreams because he learned a very long time ago that if you put all your hope into something, and it should happen to vanish, then what have you? What are you?
Just a man who has found he solely exists; for no one.
Maybe life isn't supposed to be enjoyed. Maybe we're only alive to work all day and sleep all night. Slaves of the big machine going from borough to borough.

If that's all you can achieve with your college degree, then maybe there is no other way.
As for me, the only degree I had was in outer space.

I guess we're all doomed to follow in the path we choose to walk.

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As thoughts kindled and my mind opened up to curiosity, I began to observe the Wong's house next door, where the writing appeared to be noticeably different. It was more along the lines of Aztec writing or a form of Hieroglyphics. "A paleographer's dream," I muttered, bemused.
I could now hear them in the kitchen, chattering away in their native tongue and conversing freely.

The night now had a very peaceful aura to it, as if it were somehow blessed.
I deeply inhaled a breath of warm night air mixed in with the essence of some faraway flowers and sighed. Mr. Wong then caught a glimpse of me and John hanging out in the backyard and decided to stand by the kitchen window. How absorbed was he in our presence that he began to stare. A stare so uninspiringly dull, I began to think that maybe he was contemplating suicide.
No, he was just an evening spy. An observer of truth in a valley of uninteresting inhabitants.

Motionless, he loomed like a surreal picture in a picture frame till I thought his brain would unravel. Never blinking an eye, this grave fellow stood solemnly as if in a hypnotic trance. (Overmedicated, I guess)
Watching John sunbathe in the light of the moon like a deranged vampire might have caught anyone's attention if anyone really cared, which they didn't. As for Mr. Wong, he simply stared bleakly into the margins of my perimeter, ignoring the obvious. I soon realized he was not looking at me at all but rather through me, into the very corners of that dry fence. Nothing to worry about, so I felt no contention. He was merely meditating on things that occurred within the time frame of his busy day.
I could almost see a fossilized Mr. Wong shuffling about in the afternoon hours with his briefcase in hand, giving everyone he meets a graceful bow.
A bow to the left and a bow to the right. A bow to the North and a bow to the South. Get your Mr. Wong compass, complete with pivot! Now his life's in a hole; buy a rice bowl, and he'll point you to the Hong Kong market. . .
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Completely detached from the world was he, as if in a state of perpetual shell shock. After a while, I came to appreciate the emotionless figure gloating in the window while his wife and son babbled on. Whatever was inside that oblong head of his must have long since been erased. Irreparably damaged by someone or something, I thought.
Originally from the Liwan district in Guangzhou, China, Mr. Wong had slowly become a permanent fixture in the neighborhood. Adhering to the social life, as would an introvert in a totalitarian regime, he hastens home to his wife and son, Jimmy. But for now, he stands by the double-hung window as if to be frozen in time.
Never to leave, I shout in silence, but to forever inherit that haunting space that behooves me. When at last, the grim farewell is echoed by the well-to-do in dreamscapes of the night, I will uncover the last ponderance; that final adieu.
They have a different set of values and beliefs than we do that they still hold dear.
While their son has become quite the American they've grown to be proud of, they continue to remain steadfast in their own culture and practice what they've learned through better living. It is what keeps them happy. They are honest people who have effortlessly retained their dignity through hard work, kind deeds, and general upkeep.
The Wong's are getting up there in years and are nearing retirement.
From what I have seen through the window, on occasion, is that they are still quite loving, but public displays of affection apart from home were rarely, if ever, seen.

A few dishes clanked together near the sink, where his wife's voice grew exceedingly louder. "Something must have snapped in her brain," I told myself as I sat on the old wooden bench that at one time had been painted a bright red. A rise in vocal pitch meant Mrs. Wong was starting to get serious.
Upon delving deeply into analysis, one would find that through a moral evaluation of the ethical character she portrayed in life, that didn't hardly seem possible. What was the urgency to vociferate?
Surely it meant only one thing. . .
Henry Wong was wrong no matter what he did, and there would be no walking away from it.
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As I continued to eavesdrop, her polyglot words made it sound like she was overacting in a Chinese theater; and I just wanted to approach the window and yell ‘cut’!
Her son Jimmy soon gets up from the kitchen table and walks into the living room. Such a pleasant fellow was he. Always helping his mom and dad with anything they asked of him, and never did he bother anyone. He gets up, goes to work, comes home, eats, watches TV, and then goes back to sleep and repeats the same process.
How robotic are these Asian people? I thought with a chuckle before realizing that my parents, along with everyone else on the planet do exactly the same thing.
The only notable difference between us and them is that they accept their chore of duty with nobility and honor while we continually gripe and complain about things we cannot change.
Sometimes in the evening hours, when I'm hanging out with John, Jimmy's friends will stop by to greet him.
“Ay there, Jimbo,” they'll say, or “How ya' doin' pal?”
They always shake hands when they meet and usually seem genuinely happy just to exist.

Unlike me and John, who only exist to get wasted because we either have no self-confidence or we just don't care anymore.
I could see the static reflection bouncing around on the living room window and wondered what show he could be watching. “How strange that they should be banqueting at this hour,” I said, to John, in a voice that could have come from a sophisticated butler.
“They're night owls,” he replied, stargazing. I immediately thought of White Owls and proceeded to light up a Muriel.
I thought of that silly nine o'clock curfew as I watched the window like a detective from the nineteen fifties.
“What's up with that?” I blurted out accidentally before finding out I would have the misfortune of having to answer questions.
“Up with what?”
“The curfew.”
“What curfew?”
“The one that was imposed. Never mind, it's not important.”

As her voice became more prominent, it sounded like she was angry with her husband over something he did or didn't do, though this was pure speculation on my part.
Mr. Wong now looked like a ghost had invaded his body, and judging by the look on his face, very soon, that fragile shell of a head of his was simply going to crack. Every word she gibbered fell on deaf ears, and it didn't take long before his face started to contort and his jaw began to open wider.
What the hell is going on?
Could she have talked him into a lobotomy with her circuitous voice that was beginning to sound like a record stuck on 78 rpm?
That would explain the inanimate look in his eyes. He's going to have that same look, I thought, when they lower him into the ground. The way she was attacking him with verbal assaults, I felt I had a moral obligation to go inside and call the funeral parlor because, at this rate, he was going to be dead within a few minutes.
Another stretch of time passed, and when I turned to look, he was no longer there. The spectre departed into the night without warning, and I now felt increasingly abandoned, left alone to ponder my own thoughts brewing despair.
I stared into the emptiness of a dark kitchen and saw nothing; 'cept one solitary candle burning.

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Reviews for chapter 37
Felix Kassel - Would you mind telling me where that plane is going?
Bruce Mahony - Stumbled upon this site by accident. Great site!
This review was posted on May/9/23 Reviewed by aamnaaaa

This review was posted on May/17/23 kanchanninawe's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 37 - The Ominous Mr. Wong
Reader's Report by kanchan

This review was posted on May/26/23 Reviewed by yashodha_95

This review was posted on Jun/8/23 Hajranoor's review

 T T
This review was posted on Jun/16/23
iqrabashir871 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 37 - The Ominous Mr. Wong
Reader's Report by Iqra IB


This review was posted on Jul/19/23
This review was posted on Jul/25/23 Reviewed by tawhida
This review was posted on Sep/13/23 alits29's review

This review was posted on Sep/27/23 Reviewed by labia_1903


This review was posted on Oct/9/23 Reviewed by suma303755
This review was posted on Dec/16/23 Reviewed by pazkou

This review was posted on Feb/11/24 Reviewed by hinaspatel

This review was posted on May/21/23 Reviewed by mariya

This review was posted on May/24/23 LL

This review was posted on Jun/17/24 Tayyaba17's review The Embryo Man: Chapter 37 - The Ominous Mr. Wong Reader's Report by Tayyaba

This review was posted on Jun/20/24 Reviewed by sampriktaada813

This review was posted on Jul/9/24 Reviewed by sababaloch292

Saleha Zainab - Aug 3 - Chapter 37
This chapter presents a richly imaginative and introspective narrative that oscillates between external observation and internal reflection. It describes a protagonist's observations of their friend's house and the neighboring Wong family's home, blending reality and fantasy in a stream-of-consciousness style. The narrative explores themes of perception, isolation, cultural differences, and existential contemplation, using vivid imagery and metaphorical language.
The narrative structure is non-linear, weaving between descriptive observations, philosophical musings, and imagined scenarios, blurring the lines between reality and fiction.
This image serves as a metaphor for the complexity and mystery of the world, as well as the intricacies of human thought and communication. To me the writing, which appears ethereal and psychedelic, symbolizes the protagonist's perception of the world as enigmatic and inscrutable.
Mr. Wong is a quiet, introspective figure who appears emotionally detached and enigmatic. He silently observes his surroundings, maintaining a stoic demeanor that hints at possible emotional or psychological depth. Rooted in his cultural heritage, he is respected and dignified, yet remains a mysterious and unfathomable presence in the narrative. Mr. Wong's internal state, imagining him as emotionally detached or damaged, perhaps a reflection of the protagonist's own feelings of disconnection.
This review was posted on Oct/31/24 Reviewed by nusratjahan603

This review was posted on Nov/8/24 Reviewed by sarah1409


This review was posted on Nov/22/24 Reviewed by adeeba

This review was posted on Nov/26/24 Reviewed by poesiha

This review was posted on Jan/17/25 Reviewed by swatigarg249
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