Chapter 20
Where Eagle Creek divides

The 8th and final resting spot was met with a sigh of relief. “It certainly is great to be here,” said Peter like a monotone announcer from the early seventies. He appeared to be mimicking the voice of Roger Kelting from,“The Prisoner of Second Avenue,” but I couldn't tell for sure.

He then began looking around and seemed to be in a very comfortable state of mind. Listening to the birds singing, it sounded as though we were a thousand miles away. As we watched two squirrels play, happily chasing each other around a tree as, I couldn't help but feel at peace with my surroundings. It was almost as if a deer could come wandering past and then disappear into the ripple of time.

I wondered what the animals thought as we came forth to take pleasure in this day. Their communication was as profound to us as ours was to them, and I couldn't help but ponder if they felt passion when exercising love or was it just an act of procreation brought about by an intense will to save one's species from extinction? Obviously, they can solve numerous problems and build their own shelters with whatever is readily available, but do they dream? I was once told that all living things dream, but that little bit of wisdom came from a friend of a friend's friend who was very drunk at the time.

This place now appeared to be a small utopia for all the little creatures of the day and evening alike. For us, it was a haven. A place of refuge from the world. Just a temporary respite from the inexcusable contention that has been brewing.
“Hey, check this out,” said Peter, pointing to a bird's nest that could be seen high up. “They're all over the place, these nests.” I then walked over to the large, weeping willow tree that stood like a timeless symbol of prosperity in a town so overpopulated by houses and businesses; it was alarming. The towering mass, with its long silk branches dangling down, was the point that separated Eagle's Creek. Here water flowed, filtering around its roots in the stone-lined trench before separating into two smaller streams.
The water then changed course by traveling through the woods in opposite directions, only to end up in faraway culverts on distant streets. I then placed a small green leaf into one of the streams and watched it sail away. I then took out a lone Garcia y Vega Java Tip and lit up.
“Do you know that I've been stoned the entire year?”
“Me too,” said Peter before he began singing “Life's Been Good” by Joe Walsh of The Eagles, and anyone who has never heard it should seriously hang their head in shame.
Joe Walsh - Life's been good

Slowly, he proceeded to remove a withered pack of “Spanish Tips” from his back pocket.
Immediately Pete noticed that one of the cigars is cracked and the other is broken. First, he became despondent, and then he became irate. “Ain't that somethin'. I have three cigars, two of which are broken. What the hell am I supposed to do with these now? Doing all this climbing around like an idiot. God damn it, son-of-a-fucking bitch!”
Not knowing what else to do, Peter hurled the cigar at a tree like an angry knife thrower. He then held the other cigar in his hand, like he would a dying mouse that he needed to say goodbye to. He then tightened his fist, and all I would remember was a blood-red face, bulging veins and a lot of clenched teeth. Overwrought with grief and terrified by the notion that he may have actually lost two twenty-five cent cigars, he reached deep down into his pocket and pulled out the white handkerchief once more before shaking it open.
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From there he wiped away the formation of sweat droplets before stuffing the white hanky back into his pocket. Calmly, he proceeded to unwrap the good cigar and light it, but not before stuffing the crumpled pack back into his rear pocket.
“You're keeping the empty cigar pack?” I asked inquisitively.
“What am I supposed to do with it? Are you the cigar police now?”
“No, I just don’t think you should keep it.”
“What?” said Peter, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Do I have to spell it out for you. . . It's - - emp-ty.”
“Yeah, and just what the fuck does that mean?”
“It means that I just think you should throw it away.”
Unable to contain myself, I began laughing.
Peter then carefully removes the empty cigar pack from his back pocket and, in a calm voice, begins speaking to it.
“You know, I'm really not sure if I’m supposed to laugh right now.”
At this point, my laughter could not be controlled.
“And guess what,” said Peter with a devilish grin, “I’m still not throwing it away. As a matter of fact, I might even sleep with it tonight. . .”
I was now in stitches, doubled over.
As Peter pondered things I could never understand, I puffed away on a spicy brown-tipped cigar. In my mind, I was thinking to myself quietly about how wonderful it was to be here.
I pulled out John's old brass ram bowl from my pocket and was surprised to see it.
How is it that I do not remember putting this pipe into my pocket? I'm really beginning to forget a lot of things lately, and that has me concerned. I looked at it strangely before shaking my head. I then packed it full of Neptali Sable.
The story behind the brass pipe…
Two years ago, John bought a series of hand pipes for smoking weed. He would fiddle around with them, unscrewing the parts and then changing their initial design. Eventually, he had a very unique pipe that everyone wanted. After a while, he got tired of it and made a much better one with the head of a unicorn. The ram bowl he gave to me. I sparked the Egyptian herb, inhaled it, and passed it on to Peter. He toked and passed, and we joked and laughed till I started to float off the ground.
My legs were wavering like they had become liquid, and I literally forgot how to walk. Meanwhile, sunlight covered the earth around the huge tree, like spilled paint.
The Non Pareils - Willow tree

Do I dare leave the comfort of the tree's shadow to trifle in the burning sun?
The mere thought of stepping out of this shelter and into the harshness of the exposed light made me feel uneasy, as if I had been cast into a living statue of white chocolate. Within the serene borders of the shade, the humidity made me feel like I was starting to melt.

As my mind set sail across the great horizon, I left this place to disappear in a dream.
I was now fatigued and felt as though I could hardly move. How torpid was I in this lethargic state where I sat totally incapacitated and growing weaker by the moment. I listened to the slow and gentle movement of the water as it trickled by, and my mind became fixated on it. Through closed eyes, I felt like I was under a Great Banyan tree that seemed to go on forever. Sheltered from the sun, I perceived myself to be on a tiny island, only to find the island was slowly moving.
It felt so surreal, as if I had been somehow typecast into this gorgeous postcard that people were reading and admiring from afar, and so I let that image carry me away. . .
I then thought of a painting by Salvador Dali. It was “The Persistence of Memory,” and as the picturesque scene began to dissolve all around me, a daguerreotype image of yet another setting had been successfully captured in an imposing still frame. Immediately, it turned into a classic Norman Rockwell painting that would one day grace the front page of the Saturday Evening Post, but only in thought.

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The city appeared to be at peace with itself from what I could see. Standing on the rooftop of a rundown tenement complex, I could only imagine looking out over an entire civilization of people scampering around and getting lost in the melee. I gazed up at the old wooden water towers that adorned the horizon from the tops of roofs and examined them.
The stout ones appeared to be fairly clean with a marginal amount of discoloration that looked more like a runoff of mascara than any kind of actual defiling from soot. However, those real narrow ones that looked like they were erected during a cold war were jet black as if sprayed with coal dust. So peaceful and tranquil were they in reflecting the past that I found it hard to turn away.

Looking at the building's facade, I could see the steel shutters on each of its windows were opened out. As my eyes extended past rows of haberdashery shops and small delis in the street, there seemed to be some kind of development unfolding. What it was, I could not ascertain, for the panoramic view was a blur. Upon struggling to regain focus, I saw that it was a parade.
A corner parade, for there was now a happening scene on every street corner.
Down on the 1st corner, an authentic-looking organ grinder stands before the crowd set to dazzle. He is playing a hand-operated organ, which is draped across his shoulders on a strap. With a little capuchin monkey at his side dressed up as an infant bellhop, the gentleman performed C'est la vie. During which time, the little monkey does a well-orchestrated dance atop the organ grinder's head.

The adults thought it was cute and amusing, and the children absolutely adored it. Aside from everything else going on in the street below, it was like stepping back in time a hundred years. The hot dog vendors were selling endless amounts of frankfurters, while on every other block, the sausage and pepper carts stood firm. Only old Italian men occupied these wagons.
On the 2nd corner, a big burly man wearing a black and white striped tank top begins tweaking his handlebar moustache. The entertainer will be attempting to lift what appears to be a four-thousand-pound barbell. “I know you, I said, elated; you're the strongman.”
He smiled politely before throwing some talcum powder on his hands. Then with great effort, he lifted the one-piece barbell and hoisted it high above his head. With arms quivering and knees wobbling, he quickly released it before jumping back onto the sidewalk. It landed with an emphatic boom, taking the entire street down into the awaiting subway station.
All the smoke and debris soon gave way to the incessant sound of hands clapping. When this happened, the bootblack, who had been shining shoes in the same spot for the last sixty-five years, sprung to his feet and shouted, “Play it again, Sam! You got the whole world movin!”

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As I got a visual of the 3rd corner, I saw a barbershop quartet performing an ‘a cappella’ rendition of Sweet Marguerite.
“Oh, lady in blossoming flowered apparel, bring all your sorrows to me. How dare he treat you unkind? He's a swine. Let go of your manners, retreat.”
On this street, the beer and tea flow endlessly.
Just then, I happened to notice all the women were wearing floral hats, and every man had in his mouth a long cigar. Several women dressed as Victorian dolls were chatting away by a shop. Pleasantly sipping their tea out of fine china while giggling about who saw who doing what in the back of the open-air carriage.

There were red and white hand-painted letters in a majority of the windows, surrounded by borders of gray silk and lace. When you saw them from afar, the whole thing came to read,
“Welcome to the exhibition of 1890. Come if you dare and be astounded!”
On the Avenue of 4th, witness the spectacle of a freak sideshow with many different attractions.
See Yenera, the world's thinnest woman weighing in at only 12 pounds. Watch Le Gran Haut, the world's fattest man, eat from sunup to sundown. Observe him eating where he sits; the more he eats, the more he shits.
See the three-legged Persian man sidestep for the woman born with four arms.
They're all here.
Watch in awe as these human oddities show you how unpleasant life can really be. So disturbing that you'll leave feeling good about yourself.

Along the entire 5th block, amazing magicians perform magic tricks unlike the world had ever seen. Don't be afraid, as men in top hats escort your mentally ill to the Turn-Castle. Watch in amazement as they come out of it and are returned to you symptom-free. Wave goodbye to the demons of mental retardation, for they are now completely devoid of affliction.
Oh, the betterment of wonder!
 Pay a visit to world-renown fortune teller, Madame Toussant. As she looks into your eyes, not only will she foretell the future, but she will show it to you in her crystal ball.
Cover your face when Marchon Von Lutenburg dives from the water tower on 5th & Lexington through a manhole cover down below and climbs out unscathed.
Many different attractions to shock and confound.
To the left, a young man spins cotton candy, while to the right, an old man yells, “Get yur funnel cake.”
Hovering above the intersection on the 6th corner, clowns and jugglers perform their acts in the street.
“Stand clear. If he drops one of the bowling balls, you're in trouble.”
Dave Davies - Death of a clown

Ventriloquists, with the help of horrifyingly real dummies, entertain the youngsters on the sidewalk as they pass by staring. It's the children, though, who know the puppets are real. They are the ones who should know they have nothing to worry about. They are the ones who believe in things that cannot be explained. But as every parent will surely attest, they are the ones who worry the most.
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As young Jennie Kaster reached into her mother's pocket for a Mary Jane, (an ancient candy old folks say has been around since the time of Christ), little Johnny Kaster reached into his own pocket for a R-ant. I'm sure you've heard of them. They were only made for three years, and if memory serves me correctly, the years were 1889 - 1891. After eight months, the name was changed to Red-Ants. The company used an extract of pure capsaicin that was imported from somewhere in Persia, where no one knows exactly.
All I can tell you is that the candy came in the shape of an ant, but the extract was only found in a minute portion of the ant's body (or) abdomen. Meaning that it could easily be broken off and thrown away since the rest of it supposedly tasted like sugar water. This was told to me long ago by my great-uncle Vic, whose exact words were, and I quote, “Many were already off in the box when you bought them. If you put five or six of them in your mouth, it hurt like someone pulled a rubber band back all the way and let it snap.”
They were just made too hot, and if you ate too many, you could have a very serious problem, as in the case of young Johnny Bryan.
He collected a whole box worth and, on a dare from his friends, attempted to eat them all at once. (The end result...) His face turned red, his throat swelled up, and he died. Rest in peace, Johnny, wherever you are, kid.
Stay clear of doing stupid things.
Perraguine candy factory, if my memory serves me correctly, was based out of Wyoming, I think.
“Careful there, Johnny boy,” said the ventriloquist who had witnessed the boy reaching for one of those horrible candies. “You don't want to burn your fin-gers, now do you?” The boy started crying and threw them in the street. Hmmm, thought the boy's father, how does he know my son's name? As the ventriloquist turned away, his puppet gave the young boy a sharp wink.

“Hurry up,” said an old man popping corn. “While the popcorn is popping, and the butter is hot.”
Between the sixth and seventh corner, a man by the name of Joe Martinson has set up shop in a sturdy wooden pushcart.
“Come on, if ya want a boost, it's better than chocolate. Why it's the next best thing. The Java bean, the coffee bean, get your cup o' Joe.
For only a nickel, see what I'm crazy about. I'll make it bitter, I'll make it sweet, a little milk makes it complete. Try my cup o' Joe.”

A woman passing by mutters, “Your product will never replace tea.”
In a caravan on the 7th corner, a traveling medicine show has set up, and their main attraction is that of nitrous oxide. For a small fee, one can sit in a king's chair to inhale a single breath of the anaesthetic. A king's chair was an elaborately adorned chair of enormous size and proportion that almost seemed to ridicule whoever sat in it.

“Make it snappy, folks; we only have one more hour to go, before we pack up and ride outta here.”
“You'll lose your hat. You'll blow your cool. Watch your neighbor as his tongue ties in truth. His world, in a nutshell, is a nutshell.”
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“I'll try that,” said a distinguished gentleman in his mid-twenties, hopping up in the chair. “Twelve cents, please,” said the man administering the drug. “Of course,” said the man politely. “Now when I say goose egg, inhale all you can and go.” The valve was turned on, and the man inhaled deeply.

As the numb tingling sensation invaded his brain like tiny feathers, the man in the chair was thrown into a fit of boisterous hilarity, which caused him to convulse with roaring laughter. He tried earnestly to listen to the voices around him, but they were so distorted due to the loud swishing noise in his head; that seemed to tickle every fiber of his being. His body became so relaxed in the chair that he slumped back and began melting down it.

So ardently did he wish to say, “The laughter the gas is doing,” but instead ended up only saying, “Laughing. . . Gas.” And so, at that moment, the term was coined.
When Peter began talking to me, all the little pieces in this montage of a movie got stuck. Like a projector that had been stopped on a still frame, the footage started to bubble and was destroyed. “Thanks a lot, I said to myself, you made me lose the rest of it.”

“I tell you, Charles, I'm so happy we don't have to go back the same way. Just thinking about having to go through that tunnel again gives me the willies.” For me, all the excitement was gone because we had already experienced it once today.
I looked at my watch and saw it was almost four o'clock.
Pete insisted we go to his house to avoid any complications which may arise from going back to my house. I knew if we stayed here, I would get pinned out for sure. And so, we began the short walk into Eltingville. It took fifteen minutes to reach Peter's house, and by that time, we decided to see what John was up to. John lived on the same block. Three houses down from Pete and two houses up from Paul.
We knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so we went around through the back gate. There stood John, looking like the master of ceremonies at a prestigious garden party. “Hey, how'd you two know to come by? You're right on time; I was just gonna start the grill.” I noticed the radio was tuned to CBS FM, and Orpheus was singing “Lesley's World.” John told us to sit down and feel free to help ourselves to some beer that was cleverly in ice at the bottom of concealed in the family cooler.
Orpheus - Lesley's world
Pete said he had some things to do and that he would return in the evening. When John asked me if he should spark up the grill, I said, “Sure.” He then shuffled inside through the back door. After a couple of minutes, he came down the stairs with a package of interconnected hot dogs.

He then brought down the rest of the condiments to accompany the meal so I helped myself to a beer and cleaned the grill. When the food was finally ready, we ate and talked about vintage cars, sixties music, and the upcoming keg party.
John liked Mustangs, corvettes, and GTOs from the nineteen seventies, while I, on the other hand, preferred anything before 1960. As we drank and laughed, the idea of taking mescaline arose. John said he had not taken it since last year. We then looked at each other vaguely and replied in unity, “The night of the loon.”
An infamous night that would forever remain etched in our memory like an indelible footprint.
The Fairytale - Guess I was dreaming
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Reviews for chapter 20
Rupert Thompson - A very enjoyable tale of tomfoolery!
Stephen Marcus - I could not tell you the last time I got high. I think it was in school. (High) school lol
This review was posted on Oct/2/22
Lameez' review
Beta-Read Report for 'The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe - Chapter 20'
Beta Reader: Lameez Rushin (Lameezisreal)
Overall Impression
It felt wholesome to know the final resting place is denotes rest, after their travels it felt like a really nice place to end a journey.
Chapter Notes
From the way we move through the final resting place to the city, it's all minutely described, down to the smallest details and I love it. It's wholly immersive.
Character Notes
Peter comes across as a little silly, the teasing about the empty cigar pack and his general response. But again, this is banter you'd expect between friends as close as they are. The Main Protagonist comes across as a watcher of sorts.
Thoughts After Finishing The Chapter
The serenity described in this chapter is almost unparalled. Imagining the scene was effortless because you’ve described it perfectly.
Thank you so much and I’m excited to see your next chapter!
This review was posted on Nov/6/22
nehanegi1905 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek divides
Reader's Report by nehanegi1905
This review was posted on Nov/18/22
iqrabashir871 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek divides
Reader's Report by Iqra

This review was posted on Nov/24/22
alits29's review

This review was posted on Dec/7/22
Hajranoor's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek divides
Reader's Report by Hajra

This review was posted on Dec/31/22 kanchanninawe's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek divides
Reader's Report by kanchan
This review was posted on Mar/6/23
Reviewed by yashodha_95

This review was posted on Mar/13/22
Alysorrow's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek Divides
Reader's Report by Aly Sorrow

This review was posted on Mar/24/23

This review was posted on Mar24/23
Tayyaba17's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek divides
Reader's Report by Tayyaba
This review was posted on Apr/19/23 Reviewed by aamnaaaa

This review was posted on May/13/23
sidrahumar120's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 20 - Where Eagle Creek Divides
Reader's Report by Sidrah

This review was posted on May/18/23 Reviewed by andreamircheska

This review was posted on May/27/23 Reviewed by pazkou

This review was posted on Jun/8/23 Reviewed by labia_1903

This review was posted on Jun/9/23 Reviewed by tawhida

This review was posted on Jun/16/23 Reviewed by suma303755
This review was posted on Jul/11/23 Reviewed by hinaspatel

This review was posted on Jul/26/23 Reviewed by sarah1409

This review was posted on Aug/11/23 (Morning) Reviewed by rupalrao

This review was posted on Aug/28/23 Reviewed by qeilisha

This review was posted on Sept /5/23 Reviewed by sampriktaada813 SP
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saleha Zainab - Sep 20 - Chapter 20 SZ This chapter from the novel appears to be a stream-of-consciousness narrative, featuring a mix of vivid descriptions, introspective thoughts, and a somewhat surreal sequence of events.
Let's break it down and analyze it critically:
**Setting and Atmosphere**: The chapter starts by describing a peaceful and idyllic natural setting, where the protagonist, Peter, and the narrator find solace and a sense of tranquility. The author uses vivid imagery to create a serene atmosphere, emphasizing the beauty of nature.
**Reflections on Nature**: The narrative delves into the protagonist's thoughts about the animals in the natural environment and their behaviors. It contemplates the idea of whether animals experience emotions like humans, particularly love, or if their actions are solely driven by survival instincts.
**Humor and Absurdity**: The chapter incorporates humor and absurdity, especially in the interaction between Peter and the narrator. Their discussion about cigars, Peter's attachment to an empty cigar pack, and their laughter provide comic relief amidst the serene setting.
**Shift in Narrative**: The chapter takes a sudden shift from nature contemplation to a vivid description of a fictional parade taking place in the city. This shift is quite abrupt and surreal, and it's not entirely clear how this parade relates to the previous nature scene.
**Exploration of Oddities**: The narrative then explores a carnival-like atmosphere with various peculiar and eccentric characters, reminiscent of sideshows from the past. This section introduces elements of fantasy and whimsy into the story.
**Reflection on Memory**: Towards the end, the protagonist reflects on their fading memory and experiences a sense of disconnection from reality. The mention of Johnny Bryan's death serves as a reminder of the consequences of recklessness.
**Transition to a Social Gathering**: The chapter ends with the protagonist and Peter deciding to visit their friend John and eventually considering taking mescaline, hinting at the possibility of a new adventure. Overall, this chapter presents a blend of different narrative elements, including nature observation, humor, surrealism, and reflections on memory and consequences. It may symbolize the unpredictability of life and the way our thoughts and experiences can shift rapidly, leading us into unexpected situations. The narrative style is non-linear and fragmented, which may require readers to piece together the various elements to derive meaning and significance. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This review was posted on Sep/24/23 Reviewed by nusratjahan603

This review was posted on Oct/22/23 Reviewed by ritikagoyal587

This review was posted on Feb/11/24 Reviewed by mariya

This review was posted on Mar/7/24 Reviewed by sababaloch292

This review was posted on Mar/23/24 Reviewed by adeeba

This review was posted on Jun/28/24 Reviewed by poesiha
This review was posted on Jul/16/24 Reviewed by aimanmengal3

This review was posted on Jul/22/24 Reviewed by preety
This review was posted on Aug/5/24 Reviewed by craftopia

This review was posted on Nov/8/24 Reviewed by swatigarg249
This review was posted on Nov/29/24 Reviewed by jayamalir234

This review was posted on Dec/3/24 Reviewed by kalpana_patel
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PG 96) The prisoner of Second Avenue -
PG 96) Ghosts by Ilene Meyer -
PG 96) A naked mole rat dreams of turnips by Ursula Vernon -
PG 96) Joe Walsh LP entitled "But seriously, folks" -
PG 96) Newborn by Petra Valouchova -
PG 97) The toaster by Pawel Kuczynski -
PG 97) Welcome to Elmville by Norman Rockwell -
PG 98) Brooklyn travel poster by Steve Thomas -
PG 98) Organ grinder with monkey, circa 1892 by L. C. Overpeck -
PG 98) The strongman by Jon Krause -
PG 99) Spring by Édouard manet -
PG 99) The peerless prodigies poster presented by The Barnum and Bailey circus -
PG 99) Thurston the Great poster circa 1900 -
Pg 99) Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey poster, The children's favorite clown -
PG 100) Ventriloquist Paul Winchell with Jerry Mahoney, his smoking dummy -
PG 100) Martinson's coffee newspaper advertisement circa 1950 -
PG 100) Nitrous Oxide gas entertainment (circa 1846) Museum of the city of New York -
PG 101) Nitrous Oxide traveling sideshow -
PG 101) Prison of Hallucination by Szalai László -
PG 101) Life clishee by Raceanu Mihai Adrian -
PG 101) Greetings from Coney Island - (circa 1907) -