Chapter 42
How late is thy morning hour

After a shower, I came downstairs and was seated at the right hand of the table. “Eat your eggs,” said John in a glowing tone as he moved things that were on the counter to the table and things that were on the table to the sink. I sat there looking down at two sunny-side-up eggs crackling in a brushed white dish. The albugineous color made the eggs appear only slightly appetizing. The slimy layer which adhered to them made them very unappetizing, for they now looked like a Bulldog had drooled saliva on them. “Eat 'em, what are you waiting for?” He then left to enter another room. “They're cold now anyway.”

His voice was extracted from the bowels of a windy living room as the air conditioner blew the drapes in and out.
I touched the middle of one egg without breaking it and found the center to be cool. I smiled as my head nodded forward, like a rocking chair gently pushed, for I now realized that the answer to all of life's problems was solely in my mind.
The last time John and I partook of breakfast together was last Saturday. I stayed over, and John's father, Armand, drove us to the Victory Diner in the morning. His mom wasn't feeling up to par, so she stayed in bed and rested. Bear in mind we had just finished smoking some Panama Red and were really high. Anyway, as we were waiting for our meal to arrive, Armand asks me, “What's your definition of a real greasy spoon?”
Considering I had no knowledge of such a term, I simply replied, “Wow, I really don't know.”
Armand then says, “You see that guy over there?” He was referring to the cook in the small kitchen area with a cigarette dangling from his lips. “Yeah,” I said while stretching my neck back a little to see. “If the cigarette ash falls into the eggs, then it's a real good greasy spoon. . .” Sure enough, it does, and we all start laughing.
When the eggs arrive, I notice a few insignificant speckles of black, and so I say, “I guess it's safe to say that's not pepper.”
“No, that you got there ain't pepper,”stated Armand with a momentary cackle, which got us all laughing heavily again.
As I took a nice mouthful of eggs (delicately intermingled with cigarette ashes) John utters, “And my old man can tell the difference between a Lucky Strike and a Chesterfield ash, right dad?”
“That's right Johnny, the Chesterfield ash is more smokey!”
With that I laughed, blowing the pieces of egg into my hand as I tried not to choke. Some memories are just priceless.
It isn't the rain that makes a person sad, but their own inability to absorb the light which radiates down from Heaven, bringing peace to mankind.

With my fork, I gently managed to scrape as much of that clear mucus coating away from my eggs as could be expected before I went to work on them. Not really interested in eating the sunny yolks, I cut away as much of the white as I could, before eating it. When I was done, two bright orange eyes stared up at me from that plate. John walks into the room and sees them. “That’s pretty good.” he said, as he used the bottom end of a fork to roll one over. “How did you do that without breaking them?”
“That's a good question, because I have no idea. It was really cool of your dad of your old man to take us to that greasy spoon last week.”
“Yeah, that was great.” Said John as he stood concentrating on my plate.
“You want one?” I asked in a pleasant tone.
“Hold on a second,” he replied while opening the drawer to remove a vegetable spoon. He then proceeded to submerse it in the fat from the bacon grease that was in a pan on the stove before pouring the rest of it into a coffee can that would go back into the freezer. John then puts the egg in the spoon as Barbara walks into the kitchen. “Watch this, come on.”
We follow him into the backyard, where he begins a series of deep breathing exercises.
“What are you doing,” asks his mom in a mildly acerbic tone, “auditioning for the Special Olympics?”
“You think I got a shot?”
“Not a chance,” said Barbara, and we all laughed.
“Okay, here we go,” shouted John in the direction of his mother. With that spoon, he hurls the egg into the air and magically catches it under his tongue. Like a lizard snatches an insect without even trying! It was almost as though it happened in slow motion. “Wow,” I said, totally impressed! I was unable to believe it, for it had to go a good twelve feet in the air.
“That's one thing my son can do like a pro; eat!”
“You got that right,” said John, delighted. “Okay, now it's your turn.”
“You know I can't do that, man.”
“Come on Charlie,” said Barbara, “it's the least you could do for waking me up in the middle of the night like you two did.”
“All right,” I said, and John bolted into the house to get the other egg yolk.
No sooner would he pass through the doorway did he stroll out of the house, balancing the egg on the spoon like he was walking on a sidewalk that was beginning to freeze.
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As he handed me the spoon with the xanthous yellow globe, I really wasn't sure what I was about to do with it.
“Here we go.” I responded, like a contestant on Wheel of Fortune.
I launched that egg yolk perfectly into the morning sky, and it had to go about thirty feet.
As it went up, I almost lost sight of it. When it started to come down, I began to panic. Becoming overly anxious, I misjudged it and twisted my ankle on one of those cumbersome stones separating the garden from the grass, and that egg landed right in my eye. In that brief instant, I saw swirling stars. Like an uncoordinated clown, I was unable to regain my footing, so I charged like a linebacker over several tomato plants and straight through John's parents dry rotted backyard fence. There were a couple of flimsy metal stand-up suitcase tables set up in his neighbor's backyard, one of which I took with me into Fran Cohen's in-ground pool.

Thank God I wasn't more to the left. If that had happened, I would have careened into the six-foot concrete statue of a woman casually drying herself off with a towel. How appropriate I thought, that this particular statue be placed near a pool.
As I hit the water after flipping over the table and landing flat on my back, the giant Rottweiler, who was abruptly startled, tried to kill me. Lucky for the pool, or he would have. As Fran came running out with her hair up in curlers and screaming at the top of her lungs, I saw her waving what appeared to be a large sheet of paper in one hand. I was just bobbing up and down peacefully while trying to keep myself afloat. After bringing that vicious dog in, she was back outside and screaming louder than ever.

Yes, I was surrounded by a floating section of broken fence that had probably punctured the pool's liner. Paper plates and plastic forks rose to the surface, where the water seemed to turn a putrid brown from whatever residue was released by the aging fence. And let us not forget the long aluminum backyard table that had gone down like the Titanic and was now resting peacefully at the bottom of the pool.
“What the hell are you doing?” bellowed Fran Cohen in such a dire tone, I almost began to care. Looking at her with egg yolk running from my eye, which had now begun to throb, I said in a childish voice, “I'm sorry; I fell.”
“Fell? You crashed through the fence! Look at my yard!!” Waiving her hands around like she was Italian. I could hear John reveling in the mess we created, and that laughter of his only seemed to make matters worse.
“I'll fix it.”
“Fix it? How are you going to fix it? I'm having a party today!”
As I abruptly pulled myself out of the pool and rose to my feet, I could see John lying on the grass and his mother clinging desperately to the old barbecue grill to keep herself from toppling over. With a straight face and for no obvious reason at all, I found that I had just waved to her.
“Did you just fuc-king wave to me? Are you retarded?”
“I don't know,” I said, trying not to laugh hysterically, “I might be.”
Her last words were, and I quote, “Oh, I'm calling the cops on you sick mot-her fuc-kers!”
With that, I heard the loud sound of a barbecue grill smashing to the concrete patio and all the little lava rocks scattered everywhere. Barbara was now down for the count as well. And I smiled wholeheartedly. “Wherever Charlie goes, he leaves a path of destruction and debris in his wake,” said John, in tears from laughing. “Like a white tornado,” his mom added, also in tears and crying.
I'm sure the memories passed down from this day will be carried on from generation to generation like a page from a chapter of a well-written novel that everyone wants to read, but sadly, was never written.
Maybe I should start writing... Or maybe, I already have.
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A half-hour later, Armand returns from the deli with milk, eggs, juice, bread, and an assortment of bagels. He strolls into the kitchen to find me sitting in John's oversized pants with a soaking wet head and a big purple shiner on my forehead.
What the hell is going on here, he asks, while puffing an unfiltered chesterfield?

“Armand, do you remember that fence I've been asking you to paint for the past six years now? The one you've been avoiding, cause you're so busy all the time reading the paper and looking out the window at birds. That wonderful fence with no paint that makes the house look like shit? Just take a look at our wonderful fence.” She points to the backyard and Armand's jaw drops.
The cigarette falls from his lips to the floor.
“Gee that's nice, we just lost a fence and now you're gonna burn down the house!”
He held his head back, and we bust out laughing. Even Armand found himself tickled by the whole patheticalness of the situation.
A short while after this, two police officers arrived with their little notepad, and John hastily escorted me into the linen closet. There I sat like Anne Frank in the darkness, hiding. Listening in fear as they began to interrogate Armand.
“Look, I wasn't even here, I don't know what the hell happened.”
The officers then began questioning John and his mother. “We weren't here either, we just got in the house,” said John. Well, that's not what Mrs. Cohen just told us. “Excuse me,” said Barbara, “but that woman is a raving lun-a-tic. I wouldn't be surprised if that psychopath sent someone over here to destroy our property. Do you know how many problems that witch has caused for us over the years? Plen-ty, and she acts like anyone who isn't Jewish, has a six by eight-foot oven in their house.”
When the voices faded into the backyard, I made like Houdini in The Great Escape.

Halfway to the street, I heard a female voice scream, “You - ly-ing - bas-tards!”
I smiled smugly as a song began to play in my head.
It was The Visit by Keith West, and it sounded better than it would have on my Polk Audio system.
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Keith West - The visit

There is a place in the mind where every thought, every emotion, and every word ever spoken is kept. A tiny vault that cannot be accessed with a key, one that is roughly the size of a humble loft, built on the ruins of a shanty town which was once a thriving empire for two decadent and underprivileged souls to explore. An empire which has long since crumbled. Within the quiet room that houses every utterance, a change was taking place. Memories were dissolving. I realized the time for moving on was now, for all the obstacles that had once cluttered my path were now lying near the ocean and were slowly being carried out to sea by the morning tide.

As I entered the dawn of a new day, the sun was shining brightly in the horizon, expanding out and over this wonderful town of mine.
Halfway down the block, I paused to study a single butterfly, which had entered a bright yellow tulip, before turning to smell the fragrant purple flowers of a garden heliotrope.
The butterfly then flew up into the morning sky and vanished.

All the excitement that had come to a head over the last few hours had now culminated into a feeling a total peace.
As I rounded the corner, I saw a beautiful lady come down her front steps and get into a jet-black sedan. Upon seeing me, she immediately smiled, and I smiled back. As she sped off onto the main roadway and dissolved into the fabric of the day, I thought to myself quietly.
"No different are we than the flowers that grace the land. We are here for a short while, and then we are no more."
Only a fool can say there is nothing out there, for even in the great expanse of ever-consuming darkness, there is always a tiny flicker of light to guide you through your darkest hour..

Looking up, I saw a tiny jet in the furthest regions of the stratosphere. It was moving in slow-motion like a tattoo needle softly etching the crystal blue sky.
He must be smiling, I thought as he left a fine white line emblazoned across the vast expanse. A trail that would keep him on a distant course as he headed for a wondrous destination, and he will escape the doldrums of the day by weaving himself into the pastel fabric of an ordinary day. Strolling down the road, I was content as any man could be, but would I feel the same way tomorrow? Who am I to say?
I am only an observer of time and space, forever yearning to redefine the purpose of man.
As I bid farewell to thee, I will leave you with a final song. It was the last song I would ever write.
The Winter Raven
I don’t own a house by the riverside. An expensive car or a plane to fly. All that I have, I give to you. For you long-stemmed roses in arid June.
Allow me to zip up your lovely dress. You look like an angel now, I must confess. All that you are, you bring to me. It’s not what’s outside but what lies unseen.
And I love you… Come on now, you know that’s it’s only love. A recipe for delight.
When everyone turns away, I’ll remain. Don’t let life make you frown; I’ll never let you down. Cast your burdens upon me. I adore you, non-hypothetically.
Only one wish I have to join together with you. Just to see the world through eyes apart from black and white is how I’d like this tale to conclude.
I just need a little time to sing my simple song for a girl who can do no wrong, you’re so wonderful. Oh, so wonderful. No, you’ll never know how I feel inside. I’ll give to you my life if you promise you’ll never ever leave me; say you’ll never go.
What has become of the virtues of love? Last night, I heard you crying in the shower. You toss and turn… I’m worried. Can you see the winter ravens eying all the fine young maidens?
Wintertime comes with a vengeance. In a dream, I’ve done my penance. Tomorrow, I have a final. I’ll see you after school.
Don’t be surprised when we break the rules. Life is short… Time moves slow, so we could never understand it. Do you believe in hope? Behind their backs we shall elope.
(((Open your heart and sing)))
Carry the torch; I’ll light it. It’s only a flame – Don’t hide it. Courage and strength well-balanced shall overcome all malice.
So, you’re in love. I can see you there in the snow, bundled up like a pretty little Eskimo. To the world you’ll never show everything that hides within a prism of your inner being.
Love me… Ba-by girl? I love you so. I really do.
Now that we’re young, and time is moving slowly like the sun. What does it matter? Happiness is what we have for one another; don’t forget it. I know what you’re thinking, and I promise you, you’ll never regret it.
Leave us be now. I’ll be all right. Thanks for allowing me to spend the night as I’ve done so many, so many times before. What’s lying by the door torn apart like a cloth?
In time, Logic and emotion will unwind, destroying what’s left of my soul. Did you know that my lover would leave me for good? I’d tear my eyes out if I could.
I’ve lived without you almost all my life, where clouds hide the sun and you’re barely alive. But you gave me hope in unending bliss. The warmth of your touch is upon my lips...
And I love you. I’ll never forget you; you know.
I open the door and I walk outside. The world has evolved in ways that I can’t define. Where laughter of children fills the air. It instills in me sorrow and acute despair. I want to come home, but there’s no way, So, I stare at the ceiling of time and space. Remembering when I was endeared to you. Oh, my darling…
Open up your pretty eyes. Cover me with kisses like a child filled with innocence… Believe in our love.
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Reviews for chapter 42
Joe Kessler - What a long strange trip it's been
"Worthy of Publishing" reviews for chapter 42
Sylvia H. Mullins - nice... I liked this ALOT!!!! I havent checked your profile yet but I hope you got more books!!! *rating = 5 stars*
This review was posted on May/16/23 Reviewed by aamnaaaa

This review was posted on Jun/25/23 kanchanninawe's review
The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 42 - How late is thy morning hour
Reader's Report by kanchan
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 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on Jun/28/23 Reviewed by yashodha_95

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on Jul/29/23 Hajranoor's review
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This review was posted on Aug/8/23 Reviewed by tawhida
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was posted on Sep/2/23 iqrabashir871 's review The Embryo Man and Other Tales of Woe: Chapter 42 - How Late is Thy Morning Hour Reader's Report by Iqra

My wonderful editor indu_missie
This review was posted on Sep/10/23

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This review was posted on Oct/20/23 Reviewed by labia_1903



This review was posted on Nov/13/23 Reviewed by suma303755

This review was posted on Dec/18/23 Reviewed by alits29's


This review was posted on Mar/16/24 Reviewed by pazkou

This review was posted on Mar/20/24 Reviewed by hinaspatel

This review was posted on Jun/7/23 Reviewed by mariya

This review was posted on Jul/23/24 Reviewed by sababaloch292

This review was posted on Aug/10/23 LL
This review was posted on Aug/25/24 Tayyaba17's review The Embryo Man: Chapter 42 - How late is thy morning hour Reader's Report by Tayyaba

Saleha Zainab - Oct 7 - Chapter 42
The structure is loose, resembling a stream-of-consciousness style, but the pacing feels inconsistent. The chapter shifts between present-day moments and flashbacks, with some transitions being jarring. For instance, the memory of the greasy spoon diner scene starts with little warning, disrupting the flow of the breakfast scene with John. Moreover, while humorous, the antics in the backyard (egg-throwing and fence destruction) escalate rapidly, almost to an extreme, turning what could be a subtle farcical scene into something closer to slapstick.
The narrative voice is witty and introspective, capturing the protagonist’s wry view of the world. However, the tone fluctuates dramatically between absurd humor, philosophical reflection, and moments of emotional resonance. The chapter subtly explores the theme of memory, the fleeting nature of life, and the search for meaning in everyday experiences. The narrator’s realization that “the answer to all of life's problems was solely in my mind” is a powerful moment, but it’s buried in a scene that feels mundane. The recurring imagery of light, the ocean, and morning suggests a rebirth or awakening, yet it conflicts with the frenetic energy of the preceding scenes.
The final paragraph, where the narrator contemplates his role as an “observer of time and space,” delves into existential themes. However, this shift to a more serious, reflective tone feels sudden after the lighter, humorous moments that dominate most of the chapter. The stylistic choices—like the use of inner monologue and flashbacks—are interesting but need more clarity. At times, the narrative seems to get lost in tangents, making it difficult for readers to follow the primary thread of the chapter.
Narrator or Charlie is a complex protagonist—he’s reflective, humorous, and somewhat detached from the chaos surrounding him. His internal monologue reveals a sharp, almost cynical sense of humor, but he also displays vulnerability in his reflective moments. There is an air of disillusionment about him, especially toward the end, where his introspections become more serious. The humorous actions during the egg-throwing sequence contrast with his deep, contemplative final thoughts. This complexity makes him interesting, but at times, the shifts in tone (from humor to introspection) seem abrupt.
Suggestion: Tighten the prose in certain places to keep the narrative focused and reduce meandering tangents.
Smooth the tonal transitions, ensuring that the humorous, farcical elements and the more serious philosophical reflections don’t feel like they exist in two separate worlds. And for that first decide whether you want the chapter to focus more on absurdity or introspection, and adjust the tone accordingly.
These are the few suggestions that i made from this chapter so that the chapter could offer a more cohesive and resonant experience.
The Winter Raven is a reflective, emotionally complex song that explores love, loss, and the passage of time. It captures the delicate balance between hope and despair, weaving themes of devotion, uncertainty, and inner conflict. Ravens are often associated with death, mystery, and introspection, adding a melancholic tone to the song. The raven could symbolize the speaker’s darker emotions or the inevitability of loss. And the winter raven sounds more lonely and despair. "The Winter Raven" is a deeply emotional song that explores themes of love, devotion, insecurity, and the passage of time. The speaker expresses unwavering love and a willingness to sacrifice everything for their beloved, while simultaneously grappling with fears of abandonment. Imagery of nature, particularly the symbolic raven, evokes a sense of fragility and melancholy, contrasting with moments of hope and intimacy.
The tone shifts between melancholic reflection and hopeful longing, creating an intimate atmosphere as the speaker directly addresses their beloved. The structure of the song, characterized by repetition and rhythmic qualities, enhances its emotional impact, building up to a crescendo of feelings.
Overall, the song is a poignant exploration of the complexities of love, blending raw emotional honesty with evocative imagery and contrasting themes, resonating deeply with listeners.
This review was posted on Dec/29/24 Reviewed by poesiha

This review was posted on Dec/30/24 Reviewed by nusratjahan603

This review was posted on Jan/4/25 Reviewed by sarah1409

This review was posted on Jan/22/25 Reviewed by swatigarg249

This review was posted on Feb/1/25 Reviewed by adeeba

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